FhenixProtocol / fhenix.js

The JavaScript SDK for Fhenix
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Create instance receives provider 2 #5

Closed eshelB closed 6 months ago

eshelB commented 6 months ago

now tested and works with metamask's window.ethereum. (The problem was that metamask, rather annoyingly, checks whether the eth_* method you're trying to issue is part of the supported ones, and doesn't let you configure your own methods such as eth_getNetworkPublicKey...)

https://fhenix.monday.com/boards/1216577959/views/4451803/pulses/1334493444 depends on this PR on fheos+nitro: https://github.com/FhenixProtocol/fheos/pull/23

Will add the example repo I used to test metamask tomorrow

Cashmaney commented 6 months ago

Also the CI isn't passing

github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago

Coverage report

Category Percentage Covered / Total
🟒 Statements
85.17% (-0.84% πŸ”»)
🟑 Branches
73.53% (-3.39% πŸ”»)
🟒 Functions 92.31% 36/39
🟒 Lines
86.93% (-1.19% πŸ”»)
Show new covered files 🐣
| File | Statements | Branches | Functions | Lines | | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :------------ | :--------- | :------- | :-------- | :---- | | 🟒 | sdk/consts.ts | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Show files with reduced coverage πŸ”»
| File | Statements | Branches | Functions | Lines | | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :----------- | :------------------------------------------------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------- | :-------- | :------------------------------------------------------------ | | 🟒 | sdk/index.ts |
85.85% (-2.06% πŸ”»)
76.32% (-6.54% πŸ”»)
| 95.24% |
88.3% (-2.84% πŸ”»)

Test suite run success

26 tests passing in 4 suites.

Report generated by πŸ§ͺjest coverage report action from 95a8eea79b53241f265874bbdbf09409a2b9784b