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What's new?
According to the documentation: "Dependabot doesn't generate Dependabot alerts for malware". So, the answer
When GitHub identifies a vulnerable dependency or malware, they generate a Dependabot alert and display it on the Security tab for the repository
is being changed by
When GitHub identifies a vulnerable dependency, they generate a Dependabot alert and display it on the Security tab for the repository
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What's new?
According to the documentation: "Dependabot doesn't generate Dependabot alerts for malware". So, the answer
When GitHub identifies a vulnerable dependency or malware, they generate a Dependabot alert and display it on the Security tab for the repository
is being changed by
When GitHub identifies a vulnerable dependency, they generate a Dependabot alert and display it on the Security tab for the repository
Source: https://docs.github.com/en/code-security/dependabot/dependabot-alerts/about-dependabot-alerts
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