Field-Robotics-Japan / UnitySensors

ROS/ROS2 enabled Sensor models (Assets) on Unity
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unable to visualize pointcloud data #17

Closed Hrithik-verma closed 8 months ago

Hrithik-verma commented 2 years ago

[ WARN] [1642414105.183307373]: MessageFilter [target=map ]: Dropped 100.00% of messages so far. Please turn the [ros.velodyne_pointcloud.message_filter] rosconsole logger to DEBUG for more information. [ WARN] [1642414105.183512721]: MessageFilter [target=map ]: The majority of dropped messages were due to messages growing older than the TF cache time. The last message's timestamp was: 686.699280, and the last frame_id was: velodyne

This is the warning I'm getting while launch velodyne_pointcloud. And in rviz pointcloud2 data is empty.

RyodoTanaka commented 2 years ago

This error occurs from ROS side problem. The problem comes from following reason.

  1. You do not set use_sim_time parameter as true. To do that, you just run rosparam set use_sim_time true after the roscore started.
  2. You mistakenly set target frame on rviz to map. To fix that, you need to set velodyne to the target frame.
robograffitti commented 2 years ago

I created #20 related to this issue.