FieldRobotEvent / virtual_maize_field

ROS package to procedural generate randomized fields with rows of plants for Gazebo
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Task2 Mapping: Publish detected objects to "/fre_detections" #29

Closed hupf80 closed 1 year ago

hupf80 commented 2 years ago

Hey Rick,

Im working on the Mapping Task.

Since at the task description here for the Mapping Task, is described that we have to publish detected objects in the simulation part of the competition, on the /fre_detections Topic.

But I can't find those topic. I created a mapping-world, run my simulation and with rostopic list there is no topic called /fre_detections.

So is there a defined message type to publish the detected objects?

Thanks for your reply ;)

Best Regards

hupf :)

Rick-v-E commented 2 years ago

Hi hupf,

Good question. The /fre_detections is comming from the node in the evaluation_nodes package. During the competition, these nodes are running in the simulation container. There is an example how to use this topic in the example_robot repository. Basically, just send 'litter' or 'weed' using a std_msgs/String message to the /fre_detections topic.


Rick-v-E commented 2 years ago

If you want to test this, you can clone the repository in your workspace and launch the node by evaluation.launch task:=mapping. That will spawn markers in your Gazebo if you detect a weed or litter.