Fields2Cover / fields2cover_ros

A ROS interface of Fields2Cover
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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roslaunch error #2

Closed MrDragon2 closed 1 year ago

MrDragon2 commented 1 year ago

Hello Author , When I run "roslaunch", the terminal reports the following error: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::invalid_argument' what(): File not found What is the reason?

And, when viewing the node information, I found the following error: Node [/visualizer] Publications: /field/border [geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped] /field/no_headlands [geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped] /field/swaths [visualization_msgs/Marker] /gps/fix [sensor_msgs/NavSatFix] /rosout [rosgraph_msgs/Log] Subscriptions: None Services: /visualizer/get_loggers /visualizer/set_logger_level contacting node http://lgg:40927/ ... ERROR: Communication with node[http://lgg:40927/] failed!

Gonzalo-Mier commented 1 year ago

Hi @MrDragon2, welcome to the repo. The error you receive could be caused because the file {folder of fields2cover_ros}/data/example1.xml cannot be found on your system. You can provide any other XML file in the roslaunch instead of the example provided. Also, it's weird your roscore try to connect to http://lgg. Do you have any custom configuration related to that?

MrDragon2 commented 1 year ago

Hi @MrDragon2, welcome to the repo. The error you receive could be caused because the file {folder of fields2cover_ros}/data/example1.xml cannot be found on your system. You can provide any other XML file in the roslaunch instead of the example provided. Also, it's weird your roscore try to connect to http://lgg. Do you have any custom configuration related to that?

The package I run locally, "roscore", runs successfully, and the communication network configuration should not be wrong

Gonzalo-Mier commented 1 year ago

Both roscore and your communication network configuration are okay. I'm suggesting that the problem could be that ros cannot find the file of the field (example1.xml) on the computer running the roslaunch.

MrDragon2 commented 1 year ago

Both roscore and your communication network configuration are okay. I'm suggesting that the problem could be that ros cannot find the file of the field (example1.xml) on the computer running the roslaunch.

At present, I run the example of "view_field. launch". In the three nodes, only the/visualizer node appears "ERROR: Communication with node[ http://lgg:40927/ ] failed! "

MrDragon2 commented 1 year ago

Both roscore and your communication network configuration are okay. I'm suggesting that the problem could be that ros cannot find the file of the field (example1.xml) on the computer running the roslaunch.

The file "gps_map. launch" does not use "example. xml", but it also has the problem of the node "/visualizer" .

MrDragon2 commented 1 year ago

Both roscore and your communication network configuration are okay. I'm suggesting that the problem could be that ros cannot find the file of the field (example1.xml) on the computer running the roslaunch.

The error reported by "roslaunch fields2cover_ros view_field.launch" is as follows "ERROR 6: GEOS support not enabled. [visualizer-1] process has died [pid 16733, exit code -11, cmd /home/lgg/catkin_ws/devel/lib/fields2cover_ros/visualizer_node name:=visualizer log:=/home/lgg/.ros/log/295b1a8a-6933-11ed-9ca0-f46b8c847f27/visualizer-1.log].log file: /home/lgg/.ros/log/295b1a8a-6933-11ed-9ca0-f46b8c847f27/visualizer-1*.log."

Also, "rosparam get /visualizer/field_file" shows "/home/lgg/catkin_ws/src/fields2cover_ros/data/example1.xml ", It indicates that "example" has been found. Maybe this problem did not cause the program to crash ?

Gonzalo-Mier commented 1 year ago

Weird. Did you follow the installation guide of Fields2Cover? Maybe GDAL is missing, or the version is not correct. I should improve the installation process on this package I guess.

MrDragon2 commented 1 year ago

Weird. Did you follow the installation guide of Fields2Cover? Maybe GDAL is missing, or the version is not correct. I should improve the installation process on this package I guess.

I have installed gdal and Fields2Cover. In addition, I have added a path to the "CmakeLists" in my space according to the process you gave me. But I do not know whether "fields_ros" actually refers to Fields2Cover, because there is no prompt .

Gonzalo-Mier commented 1 year ago

How did you install GDAL? The "Error 6: GEOS support..." is actually an error from GDAL. Also check that the GDAL version is greater than 3.0

MrDragon2 commented 1 year ago

How did you install GDAL? The "Error 6: GEOS support..." is actually an error from GDAL. Also check that the GDAL version is greater than 3.0

I installed "GDAL-3.3.1". If the GDAL installation fails or the version is less than 3.0, the "Field2Cover" package will have compilation errors, but both my GDAL and Field2Cover have been successfully compiled.

MrDragon2 commented 1 year ago

The GDAL library installation is very complicated. It took me half a month to complete the compilation.

Gonzalo-Mier commented 1 year ago

It seems like you installed GDAL without GEOS support ( ). Just for curiosity, did you also run the tests on Fields2Cover? (make check after compilation on the build folder)

MrDragon2 commented 1 year ago

It seems like you installed GDAL without GEOS support (r-spatial/sf#1207 ). Just for curiosity, did you also run the tests on Fields2Cover? (make check after compilation on the build folder)

The GDAL library I installed depends on "proj" and "sqlite". It seems that there is no "GEOS" you mentioned.

MrDragon2 commented 1 year ago

It seems like you installed GDAL without GEOS support (r-spatial/sf#1207 ). Just for curiosity, did you also run the tests on Fields2Cover? (make check after compilation on the build folder)

The GDAL library I installed depends on "proj" and "sqlite". It seems that there is no "GEOS" you mentioned.

In addition, I did not see any content related to "GEOS" in the installation tutorial you provided.

Gonzalo-Mier commented 1 year ago

The instructions I provide use libgdal-dev which have GEOS installed by default. I do not provide instructions about how to install GDAL by source because it's a complex installation I haven't done myself. As the error on this issue is related with a custom GDAL installation that gets out of the scope of the tutorials, I close this issue. Feel free to make a PR with an improved installation method and the issues you found. Best regards, Gonzalo