Fifteen15Studios / MMM-AutoDimmer

Magic Mirror Module to dim the screen on a schedule
MIT License
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Not dimming the full screen #9

Open dmckeen opened 5 months ago

dmckeen commented 5 months ago

Leaves a bar on the top and bottom that its not dimming.

Fifteen15Studios commented 5 months ago

How big of a "bar" are we talking? I've been using this for months, if not years, and have never seen a bar that doesn't dim.

Recently I had something that displayed all the way past the left edge of the screen, and there was about a 2-pixel wide line on that left edge that didn't dim, but that's as close as I've come to seeing anything like this. (And that is likely not an issue with the module, but more likely an issue with Magic Mirror itself.)

Also, what does your config look like? Are you using position: 'fullscreen_above' or some other position?