FigmaFan / IL2CPP-Resolver

unity il2cpp game hacking library
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Crashes When Calling Function w/ Class Arg #2

Open Zaclin-GIT opened 4 months ago

Zaclin-GIT commented 4 months ago

I am attempting to call a method called "SendMessage" from the class "SocketManager".

public void SendMessage(DCBCCBKEIHN KLEHEMPPMPP)

DCBCCBKEIHN is the base packet class and each of the packet classes derive from this.

Example of one of the packet classes:

    // Token: 0x0600254C RID: 9548 RVA: 0x00002050 File Offset: 0x00000250
    [Token(Token = "0x600254C")]
    [Address(RVA = "0x8B4D10", Offset = "0x8B3F10", VA = "0x1808B4D10")]
    public IKFIMIBKGEP()

    // Token: 0x0600254D RID: 9549 RVA: 0x00002050 File Offset: 0x00000250
    [Token(Token = "0x600254D")]
    [Address(RVA = "0x1050790", Offset = "0x104F990", VA = "0x181050790", Slot = "9")]
    public override void KBODKJFAGBE()

    // Token: 0x0600254E RID: 9550 RVA: 0x00002050 File Offset: 0x00000250
    [Token(Token = "0x600254E")]
    [Address(RVA = "0x1050820", Offset = "0x104FA20", VA = "0x181050820", Slot = "13")]
    protected override void PGHAGLDAKMH()

When attempting to call this method and pass one of the packet classes as an argument, I crash. I've tried multiple different ways of casting the packet to the base class in hopes it would accept it as an arg, but I'm having no luck. I was able to get another much simpler hook working.

Example of what I believe the call should look like: il2cpp::call_function<void>(il2cpp::get_method("DecaGames.RotMG.Managers.Net", "SocketManager", "SendMessage"), LocalSocketManager, new IKFIMIBKGEP_o(), 0);

Can anyone please explain why this doesnt work.

Also, if anyone could explain the difference between IKFIMIBKGEP_o & IKFIMIBKGEP_c, that would be much appreciated.


FigmaFan commented 4 months ago

did you check if get_method actually returns a valid result? And instead of doing new IKFIMIBKGEP_o(), try to create the object by calling its constructor (method name should be .ctor). IKFIMIBKGEP_o is an instance of the IKFIMIBKGEP class (_o = object), while IKFIMIBKGEP_c is the class itself (_c = class)

Zaclin-GIT commented 4 months ago

Thank you for explain the difference between _c & _o. I assumed that's what they meant but wasn't sure. As for calling the SendMessage method, I tried to call the constructor method of the IKFIMIBKGEP class, but it doesn't have a namespace ( and I don't have a local version of the class because it doesn't appear to have been initialized yet. I did try to initialize it myself prior to using the call function but that didn't work either.

il2cpp::call_function<IKFIMIBKGEP_c>(il2cpp::get_method("", "IKFIMIBKGEP", ".ctor"), packet);

This just results in a crash. Let me know if this is what you meant by calling the constructor.

I've tried so many different methods at this point that I cant even remember what I have tried.

I appreciate your help.

FigmaFan commented 4 months ago

you probably crash when using il2cpp::call_function<IKFIMIBKGEP_c>(il2cpp::get_method("", "IKFIMIBKGEP", ".ctor"), packet); because get_method returns a nullptr. Make sure that it returns a valid result first (you might need to remove the _namespace.empty() check inside of get_method to be able to find methods without namespace)