Filarius / video2video

Automatic1111 Stable Diffusion WebUI Video Extension
84 stars 14 forks source link

macos support? #3

Open hempires47 opened 1 year ago

hempires47 commented 1 year ago

hello again, sorry for the second issue in such a short timeframe lol I tried to set my friend up with your extension on his M1 Macbook, and it consistently failed on calling for ffmpeg, I had a poke through the code and it seems like its grabbing a windows only version, on line 352: ffmpeg_url = "" is there anything I can do to get this working for him? and/or am I just being an idiot and missing something really easy?

Filarius commented 1 year ago

This line works only if Windows OS is detected, at other platforms it do nothing. First try to get FFmpeg manually I do not had expirience with Mac. Maybe try to place ffmpeg in SD folder if its possible. On platforms other than Windows my script just assumes ffmpeg is must be available by just running a ffmpeg command.

Please report me your steps if you succeed.

Filarius commented 1 year ago

Oh, you also need a FFprobe !