FileOnQ / Imaging.Heif

A C#/.NET wrapper around libheif for decoding and processing high efficiency image formats (heif, heic).
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Adding .net 4.8 and .net 5 win form apps for testing. #44

Closed kenny-sellers closed 2 years ago

kenny-sellers commented 2 years ago

Fixes: #38


Added two WinForms Applications for testing purposes; targeting .NET 4.8 and .NET 5.

Each of them have provide the user a dialog to select a file to process.

Merge Checklist

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

Benchmark Comparison

Benchmarking comparison between this Pull Request and the comitted values at benchmarks/results


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worse: 4, geomean: 1.250
total diff: 4

| Slower                                                       | diff/base | Base Median (ns) | Diff Median (ns) | Modality|
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---------:| ----------------:| ----------------:| -------- |
| FileOnQ.Imaging.Heif.Benchmarks.Thumbnail.Thumbnail_ToStream |      1.31 |      47627000.00 |      62426750.00 |         |
| FileOnQ.Imaging.Heif.Benchmarks.Thumbnail.Thumbnail_ToArray  |      1.29 |      47949500.00 |      61713850.00 |         |
| FileOnQ.Imaging.Heif.Benchmarks.Thumbnail.Thumbnail_ToSpan   |      1.21 |      49832700.00 |      60379200.00 |         |
| FileOnQ.Imaging.Heif.Benchmarks.Thumbnail.Thumbnail_Write    |      1.19 |      52499750.00 |      62623700.00 | several?|

No Faster results for the provided threshold = 10% and noise filter = 0.3ns.

No file given


better: 2, geomean: 1.177
total diff: 2

No Slower results for the provided threshold = 10% and noise filter = 0.3ns.

| Faster                                                             | base/diff | Base Median (ns) | Diff Median (ns) | Modality|
| ------------------------------------------------------------------ | ---------:| ----------------:| ----------------:| --------:|
| FileOnQ.Imaging.Heif.Benchmarks.PrimaryImage.PrimaryImage_ToArray  |      1.22 |    2880173350.00 |    2357581500.00 |         |
| FileOnQ.Imaging.Heif.Benchmarks.PrimaryImage.PrimaryImage_ToStream |      1.13 |    2719733500.00 |    2398107100.00 |         |

No file given

Benchmark Results


``` ini BenchmarkDotNet=v0.13.0, OS=Windows 10.0.17763.2366 (1809/October2018Update/Redstone5) Intel Xeon CPU E5-2673 v4 2.30GHz, 1 CPU, 2 logical and 2 physical cores .NET SDK=5.0.404 [Host] : .NET 5.0.13 (5.0.1321.56516), X64 RyuJIT Job-JZMPNE : .NET 5.0.13 (5.0.1321.56516), X64 RyuJIT Runtime=.NET 5.0 InvocationCount=1 LaunchCount=1 UnrollFactor=1 ``` | Method | Mean | Error | StdDev | Gen 0 | Gen 1 | Gen 2 | Allocated | Allocated native memory | Native memory leak | |------------------- |---------:|---------:|---------:|------:|------:|------:|----------:|------------------------:|-------------------:| | Thumbnail_Write | 62.98 ms | 1.209 ms | 2.150 ms | - | - | - | 288 B | 5,124,881 B | - | | Thumbnail_ToArray | 61.59 ms | 1.178 ms | 1.157 ms | - | - | - | 66,408 B | 5,124,581 B | - | | Thumbnail_ToSpan | 61.26 ms | 1.221 ms | 2.781 ms | - | - | - | 120 B | 5,124,581 B | - | | Thumbnail_ToStream | 63.17 ms | 1.246 ms | 2.627 ms | - | - | - | 66,472 B | 5,124,581 B | - |


``` ini BenchmarkDotNet=v0.13.0, OS=Windows 10.0.17763.2366 (1809/October2018Update/Redstone5) Intel Xeon Platinum 8272CL CPU 2.60GHz, 1 CPU, 2 logical and 2 physical cores .NET SDK=5.0.404 [Host] : .NET 5.0.13 (5.0.1321.56516), X64 RyuJIT Job-TQEXEA : .NET 5.0.13 (5.0.1321.56516), X64 RyuJIT Runtime=.NET 5.0 InvocationCount=1 LaunchCount=1 UnrollFactor=1 ``` | Method | Mean | Error | StdDev | Gen 0 | Gen 1 | Gen 2 | Allocated | Allocated native memory | Native memory leak | |---------------------- |--------:|---------:|---------:|------:|------:|------:|------------:|------------------------:|-------------------:| | PrimaryImage_Write | 2.438 s | 0.0480 s | 0.0624 s | - | - | - | 256 B | 222,030,124 B | - | | PrimaryImage_ToArray | 2.379 s | 0.0475 s | 0.1072 s | - | - | - | 1,943,008 B | 222,029,232 B | - | | PrimaryImage_ToSpan | 2.493 s | 0.0498 s | 0.0731 s | - | - | - | 88 B | 222,029,232 B | - | | PrimaryImage_ToStream | 2.413 s | 0.0479 s | 0.1061 s | - | - | - | 1,943,072 B | 222,029,248 B | - |

SkyeHoefling commented 2 years ago

@kenny-sellers thanks for making the changes, I just pulled the sample app and things look correct with the larger heic files. See screenshot below


SkyeHoefling commented 2 years ago

@kenny-sellers I do not see the "Build" folder in the net48 project. Did something not get pushed up or is it not working when you try and add the file as a non-compiled item? See screenshot


kenny-sellers commented 2 years ago

@ahoefling check now. VS was doing something strange!

SkyeHoefling commented 2 years ago

Everything looks good, I updated the net48 project to use new style csproj. I updated the build to compile the winforms apps under x86, x64, and anycpu so we always have something that compiles.

If the build succeeds we should be ready to merge this

kenny-sellers commented 2 years ago

@ahoefling Looks like the build is fixed now!

SkyeHoefling commented 2 years ago

Everything looks good to me, let's merge this. Thanks for the contribution