Closed SkyeHoefling closed 2 years ago
for adding GNU license:
[x] C/C++ dependencies?
[x] install dependencies?
[x] What are the supported frameworks and runtimes?
[ ] maybe add troubleshooting info?
[ ] vs2022 support?
need to run
git submodule update --init --recursive
or clone using git clone --recurse-submodules <link>
have the CUDA SDK installed: need version 11.4:
This version installs for VS2019.
can find the location of the files using cmd vswhere -version 15.0 -find **\BuildCustomizations\CUDA*.props
-version 15.0
looks at files for vs2019
add package to vs2019 install to include windows sdk version 10.0.18 and desktop for C++
running msbuild /p:Platform="x64"
in developer cmd at the project root fixed my issues with lib files not being able to be opened
Does it work if use the dotnet cli from a Visual Studio 2019 x64 developer command prompt?
running msbuild /p:Platform="x64"
fixed this issue I was having:
but I'm no longer having errors with the lib files and building normally now works fine for me.
Note on vswhere
vswhere is included with the installer as of Visual Studio 2017 version 15.2 and later, and can be found at the following location:
%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe
update: vswhere comes with it but is not in path to be used directly. possible fix is to have the full path to get to it.
Need to update nuget FileOnQ.Imaging.Raw to latest prerelease version. (1.0.0-dev.19)
whenever the documentation mentions local does it actually mean this dev nuget? or is the local nuget something else?
@Bett-A-Fish You will not have to update the nuget package with the changes that I am working on currently. It will be creating a nuget package everytime a project is built and stored locally. That is what is it referring to.
dotnet build src/FileOnQ.Imaging.Heif/FileOnQ.Imaging.Heif.csproj
works from the dev command prompt if normal cmd does not.
but the lib file error is still happening with a normal build.
the cuda sdk version i think installs for vs2019. might want to test if using vs2022 without a vs2019 install will work.
As of right now there is no README or basic documentation on how to use the library. While we are still in rapid development we should have some basic getting started guides for community members wanting to try this out.