Filigrani / SkyCoop

Multiplayer for The Long Dark game
MIT License
157 stars 25 forks source link

Error message - downloading scene drops #40

Closed Niklas9000 closed 1 year ago

Niklas9000 commented 1 year ago

Mod Version: v10.4 Game Version: 2.02 Launcher: Epic Games Store Additional mods installed: No Perspective: Client


As soon as I get out of the trailers, the following message appears: "downloading scene drops" shortly followed by the message "Something wrong - timed out on reponse from host for last request. Trying to repeat the request to correct the situation, please wait". The error also appears in other places mostly shortly after spawning. In the background I can see my teammate move, but I can't move myself. All that remains is to leave the game. The error can always be reproduced for me.

How to reproduce

  1. client.
  2. On region 'LakeRegion'
  3. Do 'walk out of the trailer at the camp office'
  4. it worsn't work.


Host side log

[20:06:51.986] [Sky_Co-op] Client 1 request all drops for scene LakeRegion
[20:06:51.987] [Sky_Co-op] [MPSaveManager] Attempt to load LakeRegion_Open
[20:06:51.987] [Sky_Co-op] [MPSaveManager] Loaded with no problems
[20:06:51.988] [Sky_Co-op] [ERROR] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at SkyCoop.MPSaveManager.LoadOpenableThings (System.String scene) [0x00052] in <2edeae9df83f46db902c898476189553>:0
at GameServer.ServerHandle.SendAllOpenables (System.Int32 _fromClient, System.String scene) [0x00001] in <2edeae9df83f46db902c898476189553>:0
at GameServer.ServerHandle.REQUESTDROPSFORSCENE (System.Int32 _fromClient, GameServer.Packet _packet) [0x00066] in <2edeae9df83f46db902c898476189553>:0
at GameServer.Client+UDP+<>c__DisplayClass7_0.<HandleData>b__0 () [0x0006a] in <2edeae9df83f46db902c898476189553>:0
at GameServer.ThreadManager.UpdateMain () [0x00067] in <2edeae9df83f46db902c898476189553>:0
at GameServer.GameLogic.Update () [0x00001] in <2edeae9df83f46db902c898476189553>:0
at SkyCoop.MyMod.OnUpdate () [0x00091] in <2edeae9df83f46db902c898476189553>:0
at MelonLoader.MelonEvent+<>c.<Invoke>b__1_0 (MelonLoader.LemonAction x) [0x00000] in <6425afb6ac6a429aaf770255d2f7de57>:0
at MelonLoader.MelonEventBase`1[T].Invoke (System.Action`1[T] delegateInvoker) [0x00018] in <6425afb6ac6a429aaf770255d2f7de57>:0

Client side log

[19:43:31.406] ------------------------------
[19:43:31.406] MelonLoader v0.5.7 Open-Beta
[19:43:31.407] OS: Windows 10
[19:43:31.407] Hash Code: 49999848531024954985654485098975250521005157544948501005510199495356
[19:43:31.408] ------------------------------
[19:43:31.409] Game Type: Il2Cpp
[19:43:31.409] Game Arch: x64
[19:43:31.409] ------------------------------
[19:43:31.410] Core::BasePath = D:\Epic Games\TheLongDark
[19:43:31.410] Game::BasePath = D:\Epic Games\TheLongDark
[19:43:31.411] Game::DataPath = D:\Epic Games\TheLongDark\tld_Data
[19:43:31.411] Game::ApplicationPath = D:\Epic Games\TheLongDark\tld.exe

[19:43:32.122] ------------------------------
[19:43:32.133] Game Name: TheLongDark
[19:43:32.134] Game Developer: Hinterland
[19:43:32.136] Unity Version: 2019.4.34f1
[19:43:32.137] Game Version: 2.02
[19:43:32.137] ------------------------------

[19:43:32.394] Preferences Loaded!
[19:43:32.400] [Il2CppUnityTls] Patching mono_unity_get_unitytls_interface...
[19:43:32.401] [Il2CppUnityTls] Patching il2cpp_unity_install_unitytls_interface...
[19:43:32.516] [Il2CppUnityTls] Calling Il2CppInstallUnityTlsInterface...

[19:43:32.566] Loading Plugins from 'D:\Epic Games\TheLongDark\Plugins'...
[19:43:32.566] ------------------------------
[19:43:32.573] Melon Assembly loaded: '.\Plugins\AudioCore.dll'
[19:43:32.573] SHA256 Hash: 'c1fa5fa19c6f06e3b1418f7f7d60ccae9dbf931d7d8046f33dd148dec1c24b7f'
[19:43:32.575] Melon Assembly loaded: '.\Plugins\AutoUpdatingPlugin.dll'
[19:43:32.576] SHA256 Hash: 'f9b7149de2361dc0b515f01563c5212b2343ebdca11d03924957b2ecad9c589b'

[19:43:32.621] ------------------------------
[19:43:32.622] AudioCore v1.0.0
[19:43:32.623] by Digitalzombie
[19:43:32.624] Assembly: AudioCore.dll
[19:43:32.625] ------------------------------
[19:43:32.625] ------------------------------
[19:43:32.626] AutoUpdatingPlugin v1.2.0
[19:43:32.626] by ds5678
[19:43:32.629] Assembly: AutoUpdatingPlugin.dll
[19:43:32.629] ------------------------------
[19:43:32.630] ------------------------------
[19:43:32.631] 2 Plugins loaded.
[19:43:32.635] [AudioCore] Audio preInitialization ...
[19:43:32.739] [AudioCore] Unity audio already enabled ... skipping
[19:43:33.247] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Fetching updater version data...
[19:43:33.252] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Attempting to get version information from the repository...
[19:43:33.451] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Downloaded from the repository. Attempting to parse data...
[19:43:33.455] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] The Auto Updating Plugin (1.2.0) is up-to-date.
[19:43:33.457] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Fetching remote mods...
[19:43:33.458] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Attempting to download from API site...
[19:43:35.171] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Downloaded from API site. Attempting to parse data...
[19:43:35.179] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Automatic updating for FoxCompanion has been disabled by the mod author.
[19:43:35.180] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Automatic updating for AudioCore Plugin has been disabled by the mod author.
[19:43:35.181] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Automatic updating for Candlelight has been disabled by the mod author.
[19:43:35.182] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Automatic updating for CookWhileFishing has been disabled due to having no valid download links.
[19:43:35.183] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Automatic updating for ExtraHotkeys has been disabled due to having no valid download links.
[19:43:35.184] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Automatic updating for MovableContainers has been disabled due to having no valid download links.
[19:43:35.185] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Automatic updating for PlaceFromInventory has been disabled due to having no valid download links.
[19:43:35.186] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Automatic updating for SaveAnywhere has been disabled due to having no valid download links.
[19:43:35.187] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Automatic updating for Agriculture has been disabled by the mod author.
[19:43:35.187] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Automatic updating for Bedtime-Stories has been disabled by the mod author.
[19:43:35.188] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Automatic updating for NewWorldFoods has been disabled by the mod author.
[19:43:35.189] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Automatic updating for StoneTools has been disabled by the mod author.
[19:43:35.190] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Automatic updating for Wall_Interior has been disabled by the mod author.
[19:43:35.192] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Automatic updating for HowToSurviveBook has been disabled due to having no valid download links.
[19:43:35.193] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Automatic updating for DiyBySantana has been disabled by the mod author.
[19:43:35.194] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Automatic updating for ItemPiles has been disabled by the mod author.
[19:43:35.194] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Automatic updating for Vehicle Mod has been disabled due to having no valid download links.
[19:43:35.195] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Automatic updating for Home-Made Soup Redux has been disabled due to having no valid download links.
[19:43:35.196] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Automatic updating for Always Rest Maximum has been disabled due to having no valid download links.
[19:43:35.197] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Automatic updating for Opguns has been disabled by the mod author.
[19:43:35.197] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] API returned 169 mods, including 149 supported mods.
[19:43:35.198] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Scanning for installed mods...
[19:43:35.230] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Failed to read modcomponent file D:\Epic Games\TheLongDark\Mods\SkyCoop.modcomponent: MelonLoader.ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipException: Wrong Local header signature: 0x21726152

  at MelonLoader.ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipInputStream.GetNextEntry () [0x000a0] in <6425afb6ac6a429aaf770255d2f7de57>:0 

  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) MelonLoader.ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipInputStream.GetNextEntry()

  at AutoUpdatingPlugin.InternalZipInspector.InspectZipFile (System.String zipFilePath) [0x00099] in <f7fef12e7b0a47848d2cace507b4df02>:0 

  at AutoUpdatingPlugin.ModComponentScanner.ScanForModComponentFiles () [0x00071] in <f7fef12e7b0a47848d2cace507b4df02>:0 
[19:43:35.231] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Found 8 unique non-dev mods installed
[19:43:35.232] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Generating an intersection of installed mods and the supported api...
[19:43:35.233] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Found 8 supported mods installed.
[19:43:35.234] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Checking for outdated mods...
[19:43:35.235] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Found 0 outdated mods.
[19:43:35.235] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] All installed mods are already up to date !
[19:43:35.236] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Checking for missing dependencies...
[19:43:35.238] [AutoUpdatingPlugin] Found 0 missing dependencies.

[19:43:38.856] [MelonStartScreen] Initializing...
[19:43:38.880] [MelonStartScreen] Using Start Screen Theme: "Halloween"
[19:43:39.163] Loading Il2CppAssemblyGenerator...
[19:43:39.174] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] Contacting RemoteAPI...
[19:43:39.275] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] RemoteAPI.DumperVersion = null
[19:43:39.277] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] RemoteAPI.UnhollowerVersion = null
[19:43:39.278] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] RemoteAPI.ObfuscationRegex = null
[19:43:39.279] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] RemoteAPI.MappingURL = null
[19:43:39.280] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] RemoteAPI.MappingFileSHA512 = null
[19:43:39.282] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] Using Dumper Version: 2022.1.0-pre-release.8
[19:43:39.282] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] Using Il2CppAssemblyUnhollower Version =
[19:43:39.283] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] Using Unity Dependencies Version = 2019.4.34
[19:43:39.284] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] Using Deobfuscation Regex = null
[19:43:39.286] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] Cpp2IL is up to date.
[19:43:39.287] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] Il2CppAssemblyUnhollower is up to date.
[19:43:39.288] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] UnityDependencies is up to date.
[19:43:39.289] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] Checking GameAssembly...
[19:43:39.815] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] Assembly is up to date. No Generation Needed.

[19:43:39.845] Loading Mods from 'D:\Epic Games\TheLongDark\Mods'...
[19:43:39.846] ------------------------------
[19:43:39.849] Melon Assembly loaded: '.\Mods\CraftingRevisions.dll'
[19:43:39.850] SHA256 Hash: 'a35658c67f9f48c59efc0ca921c0a6294e6a6917b5886179c47f9b0e391171a4'
[19:43:39.852] Melon Assembly loaded: '.\Mods\GearSpawner.dll'
[19:43:39.853] SHA256 Hash: 'f2265a2495345d8e20572765c6d1afe1837c39756b4b22426c70e93a77364a34'
[19:43:39.854] Melon Assembly loaded: '.\Mods\IncreaseSaveSlotLimit.dll'
[19:43:39.855] SHA256 Hash: '90130acb003a766414a0f379beeccaa4f2d8cc215d98725011f58024ceae27df'
[19:43:39.857] Melon Assembly loaded: '.\Mods\KeyboardUtilities.dll'
[19:43:39.857] SHA256 Hash: 'c1652a5a877ac61c5d62af6b1d70ec0b173fff8315f064919788656c68972202'
[19:43:39.861] Melon Assembly loaded: '.\Mods\LocalizationUtilities.dll'
[19:43:39.861] SHA256 Hash: '27cd621317faf8a69faf93614b8b75d1101aabb506e57dad43bc16a4d01faebd'
[19:43:39.865] Melon Assembly loaded: '.\Mods\ModComponent.dll'
[19:43:39.865] SHA256 Hash: 'ed944cd76c0ebbf8f7ecf733c964de5f40b7db9556efe2fea0a59093a324d612'
[19:43:39.867] Melon Assembly loaded: '.\Mods\ModSettings.dll'
[19:43:39.868] SHA256 Hash: '129b32511931a6403a6d3b3b76375f1f45c22b371aa024b070a187df079aca2d'
[19:43:39.886] Melon Assembly loaded: '.\Mods\SkyCoop.dll'
[19:43:39.886] SHA256 Hash: '633fb6129ca401791c4ad6bab6106a21b4d296ba39558234560c2171960c7af1'
[19:43:39.893] Melon Assembly loaded: '.\Mods\Steamworks.NET.dll'
[19:43:39.894] SHA256 Hash: 'a61778cbce992f1d3ab48577d8c6c1c43778727b6127cdfa8b97eccc353ce6ab'

[19:43:39.938] ------------------------------
[19:43:39.938] CraftingRevisions v1.0.1
[19:43:39.939] by ds5678
[19:43:39.940] Assembly: CraftingRevisions.dll
[19:43:39.940] ------------------------------
[19:43:39.941] ------------------------------
[19:43:39.941] GearSpawner v1.0.1
[19:43:39.942] by ds5678
[19:43:39.943] Assembly: GearSpawner.dll
[19:43:39.944] ------------------------------
[19:43:39.945] ------------------------------
[19:43:39.945] IncreaseSaveSlotLimit v1.1
[19:43:39.946] by zeobviouslyfake, ds5678
[19:43:39.947] Assembly: IncreaseSaveSlotLimit.dll
[19:43:39.948] ------------------------------
[19:43:39.949] ------------------------------
[19:43:39.949] KeyboardUtilities v1.3.0
[19:43:39.950] by Sinai, ds5678
[19:43:39.951] Assembly: KeyboardUtilities.dll
[19:43:39.953] ------------------------------
[19:43:39.954] ------------------------------
[19:43:39.954] LocalizationUtilities v1.0.0
[19:43:39.955] by ds5678
[19:43:39.956] Assembly: LocalizationUtilities.dll
[19:43:39.956] ------------------------------
[19:43:39.957] ------------------------------
[19:43:39.957] ModComponent v5.1.4
[19:43:39.958] by ds5678
[19:43:39.960] Assembly: ModComponent.dll
[19:43:39.961] ------------------------------
[19:43:39.962] ------------------------------
[19:43:39.962] ModSettings v1.8.2
[19:43:39.962] by zeobviouslyfakeacc
[19:43:39.963] Assembly: ModSettings.dll
[19:43:39.964] ------------------------------
[19:43:39.965] ------------------------------
[19:43:39.965] Sky Co-op v0.10.4
[19:43:39.966] by Filigrani
[19:43:39.969] Assembly: SkyCoop.dll
[19:43:39.970] ------------------------------
[19:43:39.970] ------------------------------
[19:43:39.971] 8 Mods loaded.

[19:43:40.087] Support Module Loaded: D:\Epic Games\TheLongDark\MelonLoader\Dependencies\SupportModules\Il2Cpp.dll
[19:43:42.521] [KeyboardUtilities] Initializing Legacy Input support...
[19:43:42.523] [ModComponent] Reflection Successful: True
[19:43:42.524] [ModComponent] Release Compilation
[19:43:42.526] [ModComponent] Reading zip file at: 'D:\Epic Games\TheLongDark\Mods\SkyCoop.modcomponent'
[19:43:42.530] [ModComponent] [ERROR] MelonLoader.ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipException: Wrong Local header signature: 0x21726152

  at MelonLoader.ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipInputStream.GetNextEntry () [0x000a0] in <6425afb6ac6a429aaf770255d2f7de57>:0 

  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) MelonLoader.ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipInputStream.GetNextEntry()

  at ModComponent.Mapper.ZipFileLoader.LoadZipFile (System.String zipFilePath) [0x000b0] in <f87054b725e043b4aaf00119f40d6dea>:0 

  at ModComponent.Mapper.ZipFileLoader.LoadZipFilesInDirectory (System.String directory, System.Boolean recursive) [0x00042] in <f87054b725e043b4aaf00119f40d6dea>:0 

  at ModComponent.Mapper.ZipFileLoader.Initialize () [0x00005] in <f87054b725e043b4aaf00119f40d6dea>:0 

  at ModComponent.Implementation.OnApplicationStart () [0x00029] in <f87054b725e043b4aaf00119f40d6dea>:0 

  at MelonLoader.MelonEvent+<>c.<Invoke>b__1_0 (MelonLoader.LemonAction x) [0x00000] in <6425afb6ac6a429aaf770255d2f7de57>:0 

  at MelonLoader.MelonEventBase`1[T].Invoke (System.Action`1[T] delegateInvoker) [0x00018] in <6425afb6ac6a429aaf770255d2f7de57>:0 
[19:43:42.532] [Sky_Co-op] [Plugins] Checking plugins...
[19:43:42.534] [Sky_Co-op] [Plugins] Everything is alright!
[19:43:42.535] [Sky_Co-op] [SteamWorks.NET] This game version has not SteamManager
[19:43:42.535] [Sky_Co-op] [EpicOnlineServicesManager] This game version has EpicOnlineServicesManager
[19:43:42.542] [Sky_Co-op] [EpicOnlineServicesManager] Patching EpicOnlineServicesManager complete!
[19:43:42.543] [Sky_Co-op] [Supporters] Trying to get supporters list...
[19:43:42.571] [Sky_Co-op] [Supporters] Json data has been successfully received!
[19:43:42.574] [Sky_Co-op] [Supporters] Parsing to dictionary complete!
[19:43:44.259] [Sky_Co-op] Models loaded.
[19:43:46.409] [Sky_Co-op] [EpicOnlineServicesManager] m_ClientId xyza7891r0sjlJzv5TW6bxT0aClt8P0x
[19:43:46.411] [Sky_Co-op] [MPSaveManager] Attempt to load ConfiguratedBenefits
[19:43:46.413] [Sky_Co-op] [MPSaveManager] Loaded with no problems
[19:43:46.414] [Sky_Co-op] [Supporters] My Supporter Bonuses loaded!
[19:43:46.415] [Sky_Co-op] [MPSaveManager] Attempt to load FlairsUpdateData
[19:43:46.416] [Sky_Co-op] [MPSaveManager] Loaded with no problems
[19:43:46.416] [Sky_Co-op] [Supporters] No any new flairs from previous visit
[19:43:46.568] [Sky_Co-op] Level initialized: 0
[19:43:46.569] [Sky_Co-op] Level name: Boot
[19:43:46.781] [Sky_Co-op] Level initialized: 1
[19:43:46.781] [Sky_Co-op] Level name: Boot
[19:43:49.688] [Sky_Co-op] [Legacy UIs] Captured link on InterfaceManager!
[19:43:50.569] [ModSettings] Building Mod Settings GUI
[19:43:50.625] [ModSettings] Building Custom Mode GUI
[19:43:50.667] [ModSettings] Done! Took 97 ms. Have a nice day!
[19:43:50.756] [Sky_Co-op] [Legacy UIs] Captured link on Panel_MainMenu!
[19:43:50.780] [Sky_Co-op] [UI] Trying modify main menu...
[19:43:50.811] [Sky_Co-op] [Legacy UIs] Captured link on Panel_ChooseSandbox!
[19:43:50.828] [Sky_Co-op] [Legacy UIs] Captured link on Panel_Sandbox!
[19:43:50.880] [Sky_Co-op] [Legacy UIs] Captured link on Panel_SelectSurvivor!
[19:43:51.038] [Sky_Co-op] [SceneManager] OnSceneLoaded
[19:43:51.039] [Sky_Co-op] No uConsole present, creating one.
[19:43:51.040] [Sky_Co-op] [MPSaveManager] Attempt to load MultiplayerNickName
[19:43:51.041] [Sky_Co-op] [MPSaveManager] Loaded with no problems
[19:43:51.042] [Sky_Co-op] Your chat name is Daze
[19:43:51.043] [Sky_Co-op] EGS version
[19:43:51.092] [Sky_Co-op] Scene GUID MainMenu
[19:43:51.220] [ModComponent] Registering pending sound banks.
[19:43:51.285] [Sky_Co-op] [UI] Got Canvas
[19:43:51.304] [Sky_Co-op] [UI] Chat object created!
[19:43:51.308] [Sky_Co-op] [UI] Status object created!
[19:43:51.310] [Sky_Co-op] [UI] Microphone Indicator created!
[19:43:51.316] [Sky_Co-op] [UI] Lobby panel created!
[19:43:51.329] [Sky_Co-op] [UI] Radio Indicator created!
[19:43:51.632] [Sky_Co-op] Level initialized: 2
[19:43:51.633] [Sky_Co-op] Level name: MainMenu
[19:44:09.322] [Sky_Co-op] No saves found, patching menu to not shitup ui
[19:44:11.439] [Sky_Co-op] No saves found, patching menu to not shitup ui
[19:44:13.430] [Sky_Co-op] Going to connect to
[19:44:13.431] [Sky_Co-op] Trying connect to
[19:44:13.434] [Sky_Co-op] Initialized packets.
[19:44:13.435] [Sky_Co-op] Open socket for
[19:44:13.501] [Sky_Co-op] Welcome to server!
[19:44:13.502] [Sky_Co-op] Host registered me as client 1
[19:44:13.669] [Sky_Co-op] [Server Config Data] Data updated
[19:44:13.670] [Sky_Co-op] m_FastConsumption: True
[19:44:13.671] [Sky_Co-op] m_DuppedSpawns: True
[19:44:13.672] [Sky_Co-op] m_DuppedContainers: False
[19:44:13.672] [Sky_Co-op] m_PlayersSpawnType: 3
[19:44:13.673] [Sky_Co-op] m_FireSync: 2
[19:44:13.673] [Sky_Co-op] m_CheatsMode: 1
[19:44:13.674] [Sky_Co-op] Added breakdown to list ff5546a2-0a53-4972-a9fa-d5bc2e0efd99
[19:44:13.675] [Sky_Co-op] BreakDown GUID ff5546a2-0a53-4972-a9fa-d5bc2e0efd99 Parent GUID  Scene ID 185 Scene GUID LakeRegion
[19:44:13.676] [Sky_Co-op] Added breakdown to list ec252b65-8b26-4778-a11e-fb3e8d09ffab
[19:44:13.678] [Sky_Co-op] BreakDown GUID ec252b65-8b26-4778-a11e-fb3e8d09ffab Parent GUID  Scene ID 185 Scene GUID LakeRegion
[19:44:13.679] [Sky_Co-op] Added breakdown to list 4fb07256-a43d-45b5-a229-5f4ab6a55483
[19:44:13.680] [Sky_Co-op] BreakDown GUID 4fb07256-a43d-45b5-a229-5f4ab6a55483 Parent GUID dcbbdb7b-212f-44d7-8a67-793913d8f53d Scene ID 185 Scene GUID LakeRegion
[19:44:13.681] [Sky_Co-op] Added breakdown to list 4c2933db-2921-4aa5-b201-bf13ea00c823
[19:44:13.682] [Sky_Co-op] BreakDown GUID 4c2933db-2921-4aa5-b201-bf13ea00c823 Parent GUID dcbbdb7b-212f-44d7-8a67-793913d8f53d Scene ID 185 Scene GUID LakeRegion
[19:44:13.683] [Sky_Co-op] Added breakdown to list ed0badf8-f2fc-4d30-ade1-15aba0dbb694
[19:44:13.684] [Sky_Co-op] BreakDown GUID ed0badf8-f2fc-4d30-ade1-15aba0dbb694 Parent GUID  Scene ID 185 Scene GUID LakeRegion
[19:44:13.685] [Sky_Co-op] Added breakdown to list 8f075fd9-62c1-44a0-9341-249651634fc9
[19:44:13.686] [Sky_Co-op] BreakDown GUID 8f075fd9-62c1-44a0-9341-249651634fc9 Parent GUID  Scene ID 161 Scene GUID TrailerD_t0Jt3Fnx-LDRKm-zOSzi-wAGjd-PqOzHME30O96
[19:44:13.687] [Sky_Co-op] Added breakdown to list 27bd517a-189b-4239-9e9d-b8fc5010ec26
[19:44:13.689] [Sky_Co-op] BreakDown GUID 27bd517a-189b-4239-9e9d-b8fc5010ec26 Parent GUID  Scene ID 185 Scene GUID LakeRegion
[19:44:13.690] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container 0535a6f4-0eaf-4019-820f-060170b56a0b Scene LakeRegion
[19:44:13.690] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container 943708c4-62ea-4557-a44e-ece80984ec08 Scene LakeRegion
[19:44:13.691] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container e4d6b5d9-9a23-48e2-aaf5-a82fd4d4d3eb Scene LakeRegion
[19:44:13.692] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container f6c904c5-d573-4196-a5cc-ab3d2ead643c Scene LakeRegion
[19:44:13.695] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container cda9f6a9-aebc-494c-a627-e5e57f75ccf7 Scene LakeRegion
[19:44:13.696] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container 22a98e71-2f69-4c9a-882b-720ffe0c6b8f Scene LakeRegion
[19:44:13.697] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container 3f4d46c6-5ded-48a4-81d2-eda17eda7672 Scene TrailerD_t0Jt3Fnx-LDRKm-zOSzi-wAGjd-PqOzHME30O96
[19:44:13.698] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container f1d4656d-15ae-4e9d-8fb0-b50ed52a43e4 Scene TrailerD_t0Jt3Fnx-LDRKm-zOSzi-wAGjd-PqOzHME30O96
[19:44:13.699] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container ed7436e1-b2ee-438b-9603-8e901005efd6 Scene TrailerD_t0Jt3Fnx-LDRKm-zOSzi-wAGjd-PqOzHME30O96
[19:44:13.700] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container 52463d6f-88a9-4eef-9c95-e8b7c32d21b5 Scene DamTrailerB_o5leMIIs-OV5qm-1mTow-dZsxW-d9WjX7ZJV6vK
[19:44:13.701] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container a3f2665b-4ef8-4448-b3e1-466a91e529ef Scene DamTrailerB_o5leMIIs-OV5qm-1mTow-dZsxW-d9WjX7ZJV6vK
[19:44:13.702] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container 3f952f49-2cb2-4d6e-8a8c-49a51eb9f639 Scene DamTrailerB_o5leMIIs-OV5qm-1mTow-dZsxW-d9WjX7ZJV6vK
[19:44:13.702] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container eda50159-a006-4c8e-9ccd-103794d534d1 Scene DamTrailerB_o5leMIIs-OV5qm-1mTow-dZsxW-d9WjX7ZJV6vK
[19:44:13.703] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container eb4f5239-6a4a-459a-8508-7d9076f13d8d Scene DamTrailerB_o5leMIIs-OV5qm-1mTow-dZsxW-d9WjX7ZJV6vK
[19:44:13.704] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container 5118921f-ef0d-4e76-a4fd-6f390a8a4df0 Scene DamTrailerB_o5leMIIs-OV5qm-1mTow-dZsxW-d9WjX7ZJV6vK
[19:44:13.705] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container 2dc9ff53-bed9-48ea-91d0-c565ab72a915 Scene DamTrailerB_o5leMIIs-OV5qm-1mTow-dZsxW-d9WjX7ZJV6vK
[19:44:13.707] [Sky_Co-op] Player 0  transition to level 35
[19:44:13.710] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 786.158 Y 213.374 Z 967.388 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.711] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 787.77 Y 213.8582 Z 965.16 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.712] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 787.8864 Y 213.8584 Z 965.239 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.712] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 788.491 Y 213.86 Z 965.552 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.713] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 790.659 Y 213.4296 Z 969.813 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.714] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 786.209 Y 212.9955 Z 967.721 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.714] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 787.7891 Y 213.4292 Z 966.0527 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.715] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 789.4426 Y 214.6452 Z 966.4897 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.716] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 789.7556 Y 212.9872 Z 966.7872 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.716] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 789.852 Y 212.992 Z 969.645 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.717] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 787.8864 Y 213.8584 Z 965.239 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.717] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 790.659 Y 213.4296 Z 969.813 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.718] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 789.7556 Y 212.9872 Z 966.7872 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.719] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 787.7891 Y 213.4292 Z 966.0527 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.719] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 789.4426 Y 214.6452 Z 966.4897 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.720] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 986.3788 Y 38.20311 Z 888.335 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.721] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 985.3634 Y 38.44822 Z 887.2556 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.721] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 986.3788 Y 38.20311 Z 888.335 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.722] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 985.3634 Y 38.44822 Z 887.2556 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.722] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 1238.227 Y 38.377 Z 1181.656 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.723] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 1238.24 Y 38.431 Z 1182.407 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.726] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 1240.591 Y 38.4468 Z 1183.135 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.726] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 1240.762 Y 38.4464 Z 1183.029 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.727] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 1244.95 Y 38.37763 Z 1183.501 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.728] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 1243.455 Y 39.1356 Z 1182.444 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.729] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 1238.227 Y 38.377 Z 1181.656 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.729] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 1238.24 Y 38.431 Z 1182.407 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.730] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 1237.564 Y 39.13569 Z 1178.685 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.730] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 1243.455 Y 39.1356 Z 1182.444 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.731] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 1240.591 Y 38.4468 Z 1183.135 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.732] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 1240.762 Y 38.4464 Z 1183.029 LevelGuid LakeRegion
[19:44:13.733] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X -4.484166 Y 0 Z -1.576778 LevelGuid TrailerD_t0Jt3Fnx-LDRKm-zOSzi-wAGjd-PqOzHME30O96
[19:44:13.734] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X -4.998 Y 0.01199341 Z -1.269 LevelGuid TrailerD_t0Jt3Fnx-LDRKm-zOSzi-wAGjd-PqOzHME30O96
[19:44:13.735] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X -4.236 Y 1.136002 Z 1.699 LevelGuid TrailerD_t0Jt3Fnx-LDRKm-zOSzi-wAGjd-PqOzHME30O96
[19:44:13.736] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X -3.94 Y 1.617 Z 1.9225 LevelGuid TrailerD_t0Jt3Fnx-LDRKm-zOSzi-wAGjd-PqOzHME30O96
[19:44:13.737] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 3.779 Y 0.031 Z -1.831 LevelGuid TrailerD_t0Jt3Fnx-LDRKm-zOSzi-wAGjd-PqOzHME30O96
[19:44:13.737] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 4.234 Y 0 Z -1.041 LevelGuid TrailerD_t0Jt3Fnx-LDRKm-zOSzi-wAGjd-PqOzHME30O96
[19:44:13.738] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 6.064 Y 0.0209 Z 1.661 LevelGuid TrailerD_t0Jt3Fnx-LDRKm-zOSzi-wAGjd-PqOzHME30O96
[19:44:13.741] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 4.336 Y 0.001 Z 0.938 LevelGuid TrailerD_t0Jt3Fnx-LDRKm-zOSzi-wAGjd-PqOzHME30O96
[19:44:13.743] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 6.432 Y 0.059 Z 0.297 LevelGuid TrailerD_t0Jt3Fnx-LDRKm-zOSzi-wAGjd-PqOzHME30O96
[19:44:13.744] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X -6.81062 Y 0 Z 1.599004 LevelGuid TrailerD_t0Jt3Fnx-LDRKm-zOSzi-wAGjd-PqOzHME30O96
[19:44:13.745] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 6.334593 Y 1.45179 Z 1.651339 LevelGuid DamTrailerB_o5leMIIs-OV5qm-1mTow-dZsxW-d9WjX7ZJV6vK
[19:44:13.746] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 6.426981 Y 1.483124 Z 1.585629 LevelGuid DamTrailerB_o5leMIIs-OV5qm-1mTow-dZsxW-d9WjX7ZJV6vK
[19:44:13.747] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 2.916 Y 0 Z 1.331 LevelGuid DamTrailerB_o5leMIIs-OV5qm-1mTow-dZsxW-d9WjX7ZJV6vK
[19:44:13.747] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 2.430693 Y 0.5946951 Z 1.624058 LevelGuid DamTrailerB_o5leMIIs-OV5qm-1mTow-dZsxW-d9WjX7ZJV6vK
[19:44:13.749] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 0.2330647 Y 1.008603 Z -1.827448 LevelGuid DamTrailerB_o5leMIIs-OV5qm-1mTow-dZsxW-d9WjX7ZJV6vK
[19:44:13.749] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X -0.8520002 Y 0 Z 1.313 LevelGuid DamTrailerB_o5leMIIs-OV5qm-1mTow-dZsxW-d9WjX7ZJV6vK
[19:44:13.750] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X -4.267273 Y 0 Z 1.483752 LevelGuid DamTrailerB_o5leMIIs-OV5qm-1mTow-dZsxW-d9WjX7ZJV6vK
[19:44:13.751] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X -6.993698 Y 1.533541 Z 0.9405394 LevelGuid DamTrailerB_o5leMIIs-OV5qm-1mTow-dZsxW-d9WjX7ZJV6vK
[19:44:13.756] [Sky_Co-op] Prepare ui for creating save slot
[19:44:13.998] [Sky_Co-op] Player 0  transition to level 36
[19:44:14.000] [Sky_Co-op] Got new animal controller role: True
[19:44:17.012] [Sky_Co-op] Creating save slot -768125564
[19:44:17.016] [Sky_Co-op] Save slot created!
[19:44:17.017] [Sky_Co-op] Save slot current name sandbox1
[19:44:17.045] [Sky_Co-op] [LoadSceneWithLoadingScreen] LakeRegion
[19:44:18.048] [Sky_Co-op] [SceneManager] OnSceneLoaded
[19:44:18.056] [Sky_Co-op] Scene GUID LakeRegion
[19:44:18.065] [ModComponent] Registering pending sound banks.
[19:44:18.421] [Sky_Co-op] Level initialized: 183
[19:44:18.422] [Sky_Co-op] Level name: LakeRegion
[19:44:18.877] [Sky_Co-op] [SceneManager] OnSceneLoaded
[19:44:18.879] [Sky_Co-op] Loading scene finished LakeRegion health is: 100
[19:44:19.190] [Sky_Co-op] Level initialized: 185
[19:44:19.191] [Sky_Co-op] Level name: LakeRegion
[19:44:21.460] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container d2fbc22a-d6fd-401a-af4e-c8dcbcc8e4b4 Scene Dam
[19:44:25.510] [GearSpawner] Spawning items for scene 'LakeRegion' ...
[19:44:25.511] [GearSpawner] Could not find any spawn entries for 'lakeregion'
[19:44:25.512] [GearSpawner] Spawned 'Voyager' items for scene 'LakeRegion' in 1 ms
[19:44:25.588] [Sky_Co-op] [TeleportPlayerAfterSceneLoad] X 788.3146 Y 213.0019 Z 966.4197
[19:44:26.685] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X -2.503 Y 1.296997 Z 0.977 LevelGuid Dam
[19:44:28.372] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container fa42a403-ff06-43b9-b7fa-bdecf0ba4475 Scene Dam
[19:44:28.518] [Sky_Co-op] [Scene Load] Everything finished loading!
[19:44:28.835] [Sky_Co-op] [BodyHarvestManager] Serialize
[19:44:28.847] [Sky_Co-op] [BaseAiManager] Serialize
[19:44:34.695] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X -2.458 Y 0.002999999 Z 2.312 LevelGuid Dam
[19:44:42.126] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 4.635492 Y 0.950943 Z 3.286864 LevelGuid Dam
[19:44:51.657] [Sky_Co-op] Added breakdown to list 0319404a-a58e-4a5f-bd6a-a4e80942aede
[19:44:51.658] [Sky_Co-op] BreakDown GUID 0319404a-a58e-4a5f-bd6a-a4e80942aede Parent GUID  Scene ID 36 Scene GUID Dam
[19:44:56.577] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container e7c40686-19e7-4163-9609-95a07257c9a3 Scene Dam
[19:45:02.000] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container 591316ed-30e5-4855-9d03-8828a20708ff Scene Dam
[19:45:29.845] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container 38cf1ba3-ecbf-4a65-8891-db41d248fa9a Scene Dam
[19:45:33.065] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container c6efcb6d-219a-4dd4-8587-c3535bb1ac37 Scene Dam
[19:45:36.836] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container de10015f-48ec-433c-88bb-6e88a017d94b Scene Dam
[19:45:40.055] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container 90e7d62a-4f91-4e66-b4c3-b71a4e1c3c89 Scene Dam
[19:46:02.742] [Sky_Co-op] Pickedup GEAR_RevolverAmmoBox
[19:46:07.998] [Sky_Co-op] Stop braking object
[19:46:08.593] [Sky_Co-op] Pickedup GEAR_RifleAmmoSingle
[19:46:21.905] [Sky_Co-op] Pickedup GEAR_SewingKit
[19:46:26.427] [Sky_Co-op] Pickedup GEAR_Softwood
[19:46:29.446] [Sky_Co-op] Pickedup GEAR_PeanutButter
[19:46:30.176] [Sky_Co-op] Pickedup GEAR_PinnacleCanPeaches
[19:46:31.476] [Sky_Co-op] Pickedup GEAR_BookA
[19:46:32.367] [Sky_Co-op] Pickedup GEAR_Hatchet
[19:46:36.537] [Sky_Co-op] Pickedup GEAR_Prybar
[19:47:10.534] [Sky_Co-op] Openable things 679455cd-063b-4f72-a65b-863c50cc78b1 changed state to OpenIs=True
[19:47:13.684] [Sky_Co-op] Openable things 679455cd-063b-4f72-a65b-863c50cc78b1 changed state to OpenIs=False
[19:47:15.473] [Sky_Co-op] Openable things 679455cd-063b-4f72-a65b-863c50cc78b1 changed state to OpenIs=True
[19:47:40.158] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container 9e941477-9b3e-4589-a3b2-9dd99acd3588 Scene Dam
[19:47:43.308] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container cd919128-90cc-4872-badc-661f330346aa Scene Dam
[19:47:48.049] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container 7478a73c-9ef9-4cff-9bf3-fe8ee76d4dc1 Scene Dam
[19:47:51.189] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container 01ef8b02-c714-41f5-8cfa-b39eeb602c17 Scene Dam
[19:47:55.150] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container 16ac9db2-bbad-4b26-8e52-da6993ec8fdc Scene Dam
[19:48:01.683] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X 5.558399 Y 0.977 Z -5.18609 LevelGuid Dam
[19:48:15.048] [Sky_Co-op] [BodyHarvestManager] Serialize
[19:48:15.058] [Sky_Co-op] [BaseAiManager] Serialize
[19:49:01.311] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container a9139a2a-67c7-4942-9e11-0bd2d8c120ec Scene Dam
[19:49:04.193] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container 5bc2f6ad-32a3-4990-b8e3-9ee21c8eebbf Scene Dam
[19:49:10.584] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container 104f5f6a-1009-4b9a-aa3a-c57658d14e7a Scene Dam
[19:50:02.835] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X -3.941999 Y 0.8126 Z -22.044 LevelGuid Dam
[19:50:05.144] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X -3.844 Y 1.361 Z -21.878 LevelGuid Dam
[19:50:07.415] [Sky_Co-op] Added picked gear from X -3.959496 Y 0.2605439 Z -22.73874 LevelGuid Dam
[19:50:09.945] [Sky_Co-op] Pickedup GEAR_FlareA
[19:50:11.795] [Sky_Co-op] Pickedup GEAR_FlareA
[19:50:44.283] [Sky_Co-op] Going to place mesh!
[19:50:44.284] [Sky_Co-op] Gear placed!
[19:50:44.291] [Sky_Co-op] Dropping gear_bedroll ID 57 Hash -782136266 variant 1
[19:50:50.122] [Sky_Co-op] Player 0  transition to level 185
[19:51:01.365] [Sky_Co-op] Trying interact with fake gear
[19:51:01.366] [Sky_Co-op] Searching for gear_bedroll with hash -782136266 ID 57
[19:51:05.565] [Sky_Co-op] [Panel_Rest] DoRest
[19:51:05.566] [Sky_Co-op] [Rest] Saving link on fake bed
[19:51:05.568] [Sky_Co-op] Sleeping menu close.
[19:51:05.569] [Sky_Co-op] Going to sleep
[19:51:05.570] [Sky_Co-op] Skiping Cycle time 2
[19:51:13.548] [Sky_Co-op] [Rest] EndSleeping
[19:51:13.549] [Sky_Co-op] Dummy bed removed
[19:51:13.686] [Sky_Co-op] [BodyHarvestManager] Serialize
[19:51:13.698] [Sky_Co-op] [BaseAiManager] Serialize
[19:51:13.734] [Sky_Co-op] Has wakeup or cancle sleep
[19:51:33.778] [Sky_Co-op] Opening container, request fake container
[19:51:33.872] [Sky_Co-op] Finished loading container data for 98372267
[19:51:33.873] [Sky_Co-op] Finish Opening Fake Container
[19:51:33.883] [Sky_Co-op] Opening with loot, loading loot to the container
[19:51:33.886] [Sky_Co-op] All done, removing hint
[19:51:34.779] [Sky_Co-op] [CloseFakeContainer] f6c904c5-d573-4196-a5cc-ab3d2ead643c Is Empty False
[19:51:34.780] [Sky_Co-op] [CloseFakeContainer] Saving container
[19:51:34.782] [Sky_Co-op] Going to sent 320bytes
[19:51:34.783] [Sky_Co-op] Prepared 1 slices to send
[19:51:34.783] [Sky_Co-op] Starting send slices
[19:51:34.880] [Sky_Co-op] Finished sending all 1 slices
[19:51:37.700] [Sky_Co-op] Going to place object
[19:51:37.701] [Sky_Co-op] Searching for gear_bedroll with hash -782136266 ID 57
[19:51:37.791] [Sky_Co-op] Finished getting data for:-782136266
[19:51:40.652] [Sky_Co-op] Going to cancle placement
[19:51:40.653] [Sky_Co-op] Return gear to fake one
[19:51:40.654] [Sky_Co-op] Dropping gear_bedroll ID 57 Hash -782136294 variant 1
[19:51:41.581] [Sky_Co-op] Trying interact with fake gear
[19:51:41.581] [Sky_Co-op] Searching for gear_bedroll with hash -782136294 ID 57
[19:51:54.409] [Sky_Co-op] Sleeping menu close.
[19:52:35.370] [Sky_Co-op] Player 0  transition to level 39
[19:52:37.951] [Sky_Co-op] Trying interact with fake gear
[19:52:37.952] [Sky_Co-op] Searching for gear_bedroll with hash -782136294 ID 57
[19:52:40.652] [Sky_Co-op] [Panel_Rest] DoRest
[19:52:40.653] [Sky_Co-op] [Rest] Saving link on fake bed
[19:52:40.655] [Sky_Co-op] Sleeping menu close.
[19:52:40.656] [Sky_Co-op] Going to sleep
[19:52:40.657] [Sky_Co-op] Skiping Cycle time 1
[19:52:48.644] [Sky_Co-op] [Rest] EndSleeping
[19:52:48.645] [Sky_Co-op] Dummy bed removed
[19:52:48.782] [Sky_Co-op] [BodyHarvestManager] Serialize
[19:52:48.793] [Sky_Co-op] [BaseAiManager] Serialize
[19:52:48.821] [Sky_Co-op] Has wakeup or cancle sleep
[19:52:59.525] [Sky_Co-op] Trying interact with fake gear
[19:52:59.526] [Sky_Co-op] Searching for gear_bedroll with hash -782136294 ID 57
[19:53:00.787] [Sky_Co-op] Searching for gear_bedroll with hash -782136294 ID 57
[19:53:00.790] [Sky_Co-op] Sleeping menu close.
[19:53:00.875] [Sky_Co-op] Finished getting data for:-782136294
[19:53:19.669] [Sky_Co-op] Player 0  transition to level 185
[19:54:50.385] [Sky_Co-op] Pickedup GEAR_SprayPaintCan
[19:54:51.734] [Sky_Co-op] Pickedup GEAR_Newsprint
[19:54:55.836] [Sky_Co-op] Pickedup GEAR_RevolverAmmoBox
[19:54:56.507] [Sky_Co-op] Pickedup GEAR_GranolaBar
[19:54:59.676] [Sky_Co-op] Pickedup GEAR_BookA
[19:55:00.836] [Sky_Co-op] Pickedup GEAR_BaseballCap
[19:55:20.042] [Sky_Co-op] Going to place mesh!
[19:55:20.043] [Sky_Co-op] Gear placed!
[19:55:20.044] [Sky_Co-op] Dropping gear_bedroll ID 57 Hash -2048787097 variant 1
[19:56:18.551] [Sky_Co-op] Welcome to server!
[19:56:18.552] [Sky_Co-op] Host registered me as client 1
[19:56:18.642] [Sky_Co-op] [Server Config Data] Data updated
[19:56:18.643] [Sky_Co-op] m_FastConsumption: True
[19:56:18.644] [Sky_Co-op] m_DuppedSpawns: True
[19:56:18.644] [Sky_Co-op] m_DuppedContainers: False
[19:56:18.645] [Sky_Co-op] m_PlayersSpawnType: 3
[19:56:18.646] [Sky_Co-op] m_FireSync: 2
[19:56:18.647] [Sky_Co-op] m_CheatsMode: 2
[19:56:18.647] [Sky_Co-op] Player 0  transition to level 39
[19:56:29.043] [Sky_Co-op] Openable things 922be9c2-bcdf-486b-9a05-2937ad600d55 changed state to OpenIs=True
[19:56:36.234] [Sky_Co-op] Openable things 922be9c2-bcdf-486b-9a05-2937ad600d55 changed state to OpenIs=False
[19:58:24.494] [Sky_Co-op] Added looted container e030c2a3-f86c-4133-9c0a-8369c9b266dd Scene LakeRegion
[19:59:51.848] [Sky_Co-op] Loading other scene...
[19:59:52.001] [Sky_Co-op] [BodyHarvestManager] Serialize
[19:59:52.015] [Sky_Co-op] [BaseAiManager] Serialize
[19:59:52.343] [Sky_Co-op] [SceneManager] OnSceneLoaded
[19:59:52.345] [Sky_Co-op] Loading scene finished LakeRegion health is: 75.39939
[19:59:52.613] [Sky_Co-op] Level initialized: 0
[19:59:52.614] [Sky_Co-op] Level name: Empty
[19:59:52.837] [Sky_Co-op] [SceneManager] OnSceneLoaded
[19:59:52.841] [Sky_Co-op] Scene GUID DamTrailerB
[19:59:52.843] [ModComponent] Registering pending sound banks.
[19:59:53.054] [Sky_Co-op] Level initialized: 38
[19:59:53.055] [Sky_Co-op] Level name: DamTrailerB
[19:59:53.239] [Sky_Co-op] [SceneManager] OnSceneLoaded
[19:59:53.239] [Sky_Co-op] Loading scene finished DamTrailerB health is: 100
[19:59:53.309] [Sky_Co-op] [Scene Load] Everything finished loading!
[19:59:53.311] [GearSpawner] Spawning items for scene 'DamTrailerB' ...
[19:59:53.312] [GearSpawner] Could not find any spawn entries for 'damtrailerb'
[19:59:53.312] [GearSpawner] Spawned 'Voyager' items for scene 'DamTrailerB' in 0 ms
[19:59:53.355] [Sky_Co-op] [Saving] Loading autosave...
[19:59:53.381] [Sky_Co-op] [Scene Load] Saved data for scene is loaded!
[19:59:53.384] [Sky_Co-op] Scene GUID DamTrailerB_o5leMIIs-OV5qm-1mTow-dZsxW-d9WjX7ZJV6vK
[19:59:53.438] [Sky_Co-op] Level initialized: 39
[19:59:53.438] [Sky_Co-op] Level name: DamTrailerB
[19:59:53.595] [Sky_Co-op] [BodyHarvestManager] Serialize
[19:59:53.596] [Sky_Co-op] [BaseAiManager] Serialize
[19:59:55.266] [Sky_Co-op] Loading everything...
[19:59:55.270] [Sky_Co-op] DestoryPickedGears called
[19:59:55.271] [Sky_Co-op] Loading done!
[19:59:55.345] [Sky_Co-op] Host sent scene loading done!
[19:59:55.525] [Sky_Co-op] Got new animal controller role: False
[20:00:07.150] [Sky_Co-op] Going to sleep
[20:00:07.151] [Sky_Co-op] Skiping Cycle time 6
[20:00:09.527] [Sky_Co-op] [Panel_Rest] DoRest
[20:00:09.530] [Sky_Co-op] Sleeping menu close.
[20:00:11.269] [Sky_Co-op] [Rest] EndSleeping
[20:00:11.300] [Sky_Co-op] [BodyHarvestManager] Serialize
[20:00:11.301] [Sky_Co-op] [BaseAiManager] Serialize
[20:00:11.318] [Sky_Co-op] Has wakeup or cancle sleep
[20:00:44.264] [Sky_Co-op] Eating GEAR_SodaOrange
[20:00:44.266] [Sky_Co-op] [ERROR] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

  at SkyCoop.MyMod+MultiplayerPlayerAnimator.Consumption () [0x000a3] in <2edeae9df83f46db902c898476189553>:0 

  at SkyCoop.MyMod.PushActionToMyDoll (System.String Act) [0x0007c] in <2edeae9df83f46db902c898476189553>:0 

  at SkyCoop.MyMod.SendConsume (System.Boolean IsDrink) [0x0004d] in <2edeae9df83f46db902c898476189553>:0 

  at SkyCoop.MyMod.EverySecond () [0x00941] in <2edeae9df83f46db902c898476189553>:0 

  at SkyCoop.MyMod.OnUpdate () [0x00187] in <2edeae9df83f46db902c898476189553>:0 

  at MelonLoader.MelonEvent+<>c.<Invoke>b__1_0 (MelonLoader.LemonAction x) [0x00000] in <6425afb6ac6a429aaf770255d2f7de57>:0 

  at MelonLoader.MelonEventBase`1[T].Invoke (System.Action`1[T] delegateInvoker) [0x00018] in <6425afb6ac6a429aaf770255d2f7de57>:0 
[20:00:48.265] [Sky_Co-op] Finished Eating
[20:01:00.677] [Sky_Co-op] [Panel_Rest] DoRest
[20:01:00.678] [Sky_Co-op] Sleeping menu close.
[20:01:01.397] [Sky_Co-op] [Panel_Rest] DoRest
[20:01:01.398] [Sky_Co-op] Sleeping menu close.
[20:01:01.577] [Sky_Co-op] [Panel_Rest] DoRest
[20:01:01.577] [Sky_Co-op] Sleeping menu close.
[20:01:01.758] [Sky_Co-op] [Panel_Rest] DoRest
[20:01:01.758] [Sky_Co-op] Sleeping menu close.
[20:01:09.753] [Sky_Co-op] Sleeping menu close.
[20:01:28.990] [Sky_Co-op] [BodyHarvestManager] Serialize
[20:01:28.991] [Sky_Co-op] [BaseAiManager] Serialize
[20:01:57.437] [Sky_Co-op] Loading other scene...
[20:01:57.466] [Sky_Co-op] [BodyHarvestManager] Serialize
[20:01:57.468] [Sky_Co-op] [BaseAiManager] Serialize
[20:01:57.609] [Sky_Co-op] [SceneManager] OnSceneLoaded
[20:01:57.611] [Sky_Co-op] Loading scene finished DamTrailerB health is: 79.04603
[20:01:57.817] [Sky_Co-op] Level initialized: 0
[20:01:57.818] [Sky_Co-op] Level name: Empty
[20:01:58.763] [Sky_Co-op] [SceneManager] OnSceneLoaded
[20:01:58.771] [Sky_Co-op] Scene GUID LakeRegion
[20:01:58.773] [ModComponent] Registering pending sound banks.
[20:01:59.113] [Sky_Co-op] Level initialized: 183
[20:01:59.114] [Sky_Co-op] Level name: LakeRegion
[20:01:59.468] [Sky_Co-op] [SceneManager] OnSceneLoaded
[20:01:59.469] [Sky_Co-op] Loading scene finished LakeRegion health is: 100
[20:01:59.789] [Sky_Co-op] Level initialized: 185
[20:01:59.789] [Sky_Co-op] Level name: LakeRegion
[20:02:00.451] [Sky_Co-op] [Scene Load] Everything finished loading!
[20:02:00.453] [GearSpawner] Spawning items for scene 'LakeRegion' ...
[20:02:00.454] [GearSpawner] Could not find any spawn entries for 'lakeregion'
[20:02:00.454] [GearSpawner] Spawned 'Voyager' items for scene 'LakeRegion' in 1 ms
[20:02:00.496] [Sky_Co-op] [Saving] Loading autosave...
[20:02:00.521] [Sky_Co-op] [BodyHarvestManager] Deserialize
[20:02:00.739] [Sky_Co-op] [SpawnRegionManager] Deserialize
[20:02:00.749] [Sky_Co-op] [BaseAiManager] Deserialize
[20:02:00.783] [Sky_Co-op] [Scene Load] Saved data for scene is loaded!
[20:02:02.511] [Sky_Co-op] Loading everything...
[20:02:02.590] [Sky_Co-op] DestoryPickedGears called
[20:02:02.592] [Sky_Co-op] Loading done!
[20:02:02.592] [Sky_Co-op] DestoryPickedGears called
[20:02:03.535] [Sky_Co-op] Got new animal controller role: True
Filigrani commented 1 year ago

Can you please, update to version 10.4, and let me know if problem stays. Because it seems like I fixed this before.

Niklas9000 commented 1 year ago

Hello, thank you for the reply. I made a mistake in the original bug report and put the wrong version number (now corrected). I am already playing on 10.4.

[19:43:39.965] ------------------------------ [19:43:39.965] Sky Co-op v0.10.4 [19:43:39.966] by Filigrani [19:43:39.969] Assembly: SkyCoop.dll [19:43:39.970] ------------------------------

Which may be related: The bug first appeared after the whole host system crashed. Can it have come here to a defective game state? I have already deleted my client game state several times without success.

alexanderbg1233 commented 1 year ago

I also have the same issue! Any fixes for this bug?

Filigrani commented 1 year ago

This problem suppose to be fixed on latest version of the game, please try to downgrade game to version 2.02 (if not already), and update mod with using Sky Co-op Installer

If problem stays, please open issue one again but with new logs, thank you