FilipDem / Domoticz-BMW-plugin

Domoticz plugin working with BMW Connected Drive
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Remain charging time is negative if not connected for charging #16

Closed MadPatrick closed 8 months ago

MadPatrick commented 9 months ago

The remaining charging time when nog connect is negative When you connect the charge plug it will give the correct value, but when it not charged for a few hours/days the time becomes negative

2023-10-18 19_12_59-Domoticz - Overige

FilipDem commented 9 months ago

Hi Patrick, As I don't have an electric car, it is difficult to test. Could you update the code on line 397 charging_time_remaining = round((self.myVehicle.fuel_and_battery.charging_end_time.astimezone(pytz.utc)-self.myVehicle.timestamp.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)).total_seconds()/60, 2) towards charging_time_remaining = max(0, round((self.myVehicle.fuel_and_battery.charging_end_time.astimezone(pytz.utc)-self.myVehicle.timestamp.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)).total_seconds()/60, 2))

This should set the remaining charging time to zero in all such cases.

Let me know if this works and I will include it in the code.

MadPatrick commented 9 months ago

Hi Filip, Thanks for the quick responce.

First try crashed my Domoticz. I'll try tomorrow some more testing and set debug on

FilipDem commented 9 months ago

There is not any reason why Domoticz would crash with this... The only change is that the value is set to zero when a negative value is calculated. If I would have made an error in the python instruction, you would see an error in the log.

MadPatrick commented 8 months ago

I made a type.......

On my production server it is running, but the negative value is not corrected. On my test server (copy of production server) is has adjusted the value.

Maybe i need to charge the car to trigger a different value. Value has not changed between the script changes, so maybe it will not update domoticz

MadPatrick commented 8 months ago

Hello Filip,

It looks like it is now working. I had something strange inmy Domoticz database (couldn't enable new devices for my hardware list) Restored an old backup and the setting the negative value to 0 looks working now.

I'll test it the next couple of days ( I need the empty the battery and charge the car a few times)

Thanks for the support !!