FilipDominec / nihilnovi

Browse and compare scientific data files like you browse your photo gallery (and process them with Python+Matplotlib)
MIT License
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Abandon hope, all ye who eval foreign code #4

Open FilipDominec opened 7 years ago

FilipDominec commented 7 years ago

Currently, the program searches for the file plotrc_*.py in the directory of the loaded file; if found, it is automatically evaluated to pre-process the data and/or change the plotting style. It is supposed that files that once exist on your local hard drive should not be a vector of attack, but currently eval can also access all your data which is somewhat dangerous.

FilipDominec commented 4 years ago

It may turn out to be an illusion, but maybe I just got a simple 6-line sandboxing solution for pure Cpython 3.8.0+. No virtualization, no extra dependencies nor manual code preprocessing, negligible performance impact, and only minor functionality limitation.

One should thoroughly test it to call it secure against malicious attacks. But it is pretty safe against shooting one's leg and e.g. overwriting important files. The only trouble is that it requires rather new version of the interpreter.