vi file.age # age encrypted ssh,pem key (pasword protected)
" vim command to decrypt input buffer with ssh.pem
au BufReadPost *.age |:silent 1,$ ! age -d -i ssh.pem
What happened
vim launches age (and hangs), but there is no terminal to input password for ssh private key file,
Other encryption tools when called from vim, will ask for password as needed in a separate terminal.
What were you trying to do: call age from vim
vi file.age # age encrypted ssh,pem key (pasword protected) " vim command to decrypt input buffer with ssh.pem au BufReadPost *.age |:silent 1,$ ! age -d -i ssh.pem
What happened
vim launches age (and hangs), but there is no terminal to input password for ssh private key file, Other encryption tools when called from vim, will ask for password as needed in a separate terminal.