Filostorm / Multiblock-Madness-2

The 1.18 sequel
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 6 forks source link

The smart noob880 patch 1 #60

Closed TheSmartNoob880 closed 3 weeks ago

TheSmartNoob880 commented 3 weeks ago

Data models of all undead drop graves dust. There is now a uranium block to uranite block recipe. Adds a additional feet, head, and charm Curios slot. Adds new recipes for all dynamos and a dynamo frame. Adds a recipe for automating the Ars Nouveau blank glyph and dispel glyph recipe. Fixed the NASA workbench requiring a removed item. Uses pressurized aluminum rods now. Global Functions.js- 3 new functions, and fixed a typo of energizing being on elementalcraft binding. Hephaestus forge from F&A now has a capsule. Added bottled magic as a drop from witches in the loot fabricator. Wixie shards now have a easier way to be automated. Adds a way to obtain Electrotine from Projectred. Add a recipe for liquid quicksilver in the Hexerei cauldron. Adds the experience nugget from create as a experience source for the Hephaestus forge.