FinOps-Open-Cost-and-Usage-Spec / FOCUS_Spec

The Unifying Specification for Cloud Billing Data
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[Proposal] Rename all column ids to snake_case_naming_convention #139

Open iakov-aws opened 1 year ago

iakov-aws commented 1 year ago


Dimension, Metric

Proposed Change

Current naming convention in column in CamelCase, but most of SQL tools are case insensitive and convert CamelCase to nocase, that is hard to read. Using snake_case_naming_convention would make it much simpler to use in SQL.

Camel Case Snake Case
AvailabilityZone availability_zone
BillingAccountId billing_account_id
BillingAccountName billing_account_name
BillingCurrency billing_currency
BillingPeriodEnd billing_period_end
BillingPeriodStart billing_period_start
ChargePeriodEnd charge_period_end
ChargePeriodStart charge_period_start
ChargeType charge_type
InvoiceIssuerName invoice_issuer_name
ProviderName provider_name
PublisherName publisher_name
Region region
ResourceId resource_id
ResourceName resource_name
ServiceCategory service_category
ServiceName service_name
SubAccountId sub_account_id
SubAccountName sub_account_name
AmortizedCost amortized_cost
flanakin commented 8 months ago

FYI - We chose camel case because it's more readable and approachable for non-technical people who aren't used to lowercase names with underscores.