FinOps-Open-Cost-and-Usage-Spec / FOCUS_Spec

The Unifying Specification for Cloud Billing Data
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[EDITORIAL] Editorial Style Reference (Proposal) #476

Open jpradocueva opened 1 month ago

jpradocueva commented 1 month ago

Editorial Style Suggestions

This document provides editorial style suggestions for the FOCUS v1.0 specifications. It was created in response to a recent discussion about the need for a consistent and professional editorial style to enhance and harmonize FOCUS technical specifications. The guidelines outlined below aim to standardize the presentation of various elements such as column names, column IDs, [glossary terms](), NORMATIVE KEYWORDS, attribute names, attribute IDs and other key components of the FOCUS documentation.

  1. Column Names

    • Style: Bold, (with blank space for compound names)
    • Reasoning: Column names should be easily distinguishable for quick reference and clarity.
    • Example: Billing Account ID, Resource Name
  2. Column IDs

    • Style: Italic, (without blank space for compound names, and compound words capatilized)
    • Reasoning: Italicizing the column IDs helps differentiate them from the display names and other text, making it clear when referring to specific IDs.
    • Example: BillingAccountId, ResourceName
  3. Glossary Terms

    • Style: [Underlined](), and capitalized
    • Reasoning: Underlining glossary terms makes them stand out, helping readers quickly locate definitions and understand terminology.
    • Example: [Amortization](), [CommitmentDiscountId]()
  4. Normative Statements (e.g., MUST, SHOULD, MAY)

    • Style: ALL CAPITALS and bold
    • Reasoning: Using all capitals for normative terms emphasizes their importance and aligns with standard practice in technical specifications to indicate requirement levels. In alignment with BCP14 [RFC2119][RFC8174].
    • Example: MUST, SHOULD, MAY
  5. Descriptions and Content Constraints

    • Style: Normal text, but ensure clear headings and subheadings
    • Reasoning: These sections should remain easily readable, with clear headings for each sub-section to facilitate navigation.
    • Example:
      • Description: A name assigned to a grouping of resources or services, often used to manage access and/or cost.
      • Content Constraints:
      • Column type: Dimension
      • Feature level: Conditional
  6. Attribute Names and IDs in Specifications

    • Style: Attribute Names in Bold, Attribute IDs in Italic
    • Reasoning: This approach helps in visually distinguishing between attribute names and their respective IDs.
    • Example:
      • Attribute Name: Currency Code Format
      • Attribute ID: CurrencyCodeFormat
  7. Key-Value Format

    • Style: Monospaced font
    • Reasoning: Using a monospaced font for key-value pairs ensures clarity and readability, especially for JSON or code snippets.
    • Example:
      "key1": "value1",
      "key2": true,
      "key3": 123
  8. Tables and Lists

    • Style: Use standard table formatting with clear column headings in bold.
    • Reasoning: Standard table formatting with bold headings improves readability and ensures that data is well-organized and easy to interpret.
    • Example:

      Constraint Value
      Column type Dimension
      Feature level Conditional
      Allows nulls True
      Data type String
      Value format Not specified

Implementation Examples

  1. Column Definition

    • Column ID: BillingAccountId
    • Display Name: Billing Account ID
    • Description: A provider-assigned identifier for a billing account.
    • Content Constraints:
      • Column type: Dimension
      • Feature level: Mandatory
      • Allows nulls: False
      • Data type: String
  2. Normative Statement Example

    • ChargePeriodStart MUST be present in the billing data, MUST be of type Date/Time, MUST be an [inclusive]() value, and MUST NOT contain null values.
  3. Attribute Definition

    • Attributes ID: ColumnNamingAndOrdering
    • Attribute Name: Column Naming and Ordering
    • Description: Naming and ordering convention for columns appearing in billing data.
  4. Glossary Usage Charge Period Start represents the [inclusive]() start date and time within a [charge period]().

The group should review these editorial guidelines and, if accepted, copy and paste them into the [FOCUS_Spec]() repository in a new file called

jpradocueva commented 4 weeks ago

Maintainers-#476: Joaquin to update the guidelines, circulate them for final approval and add a suggestion on how to deal with important paragraphs

jpradocueva commented 5 days ago

See example document: 11.07.24 Example Editorial Guidelines