FinOps-Open-Cost-and-Usage-Spec / FOCUS_Spec

The Unifying Specification for Cloud Billing Data
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FOCUS ISV Onboarding #482

Open gdj0nes opened 3 weeks ago

gdj0nes commented 3 weeks ago


Are there resources on how as an ISV we can develop a data model that conforms to the FOCUS Spec? I'm on the product team at Pinecone a cloud infrastructure company. We don't yet expose exports and we would like to align with providing exports to at least some of users in the format. While I've read through the spec I find it hard to translate it to our use case.

jpradocueva commented 2 weeks ago

@gdj0nes the group reviewed this issue. See Maintainers Meetingn Minutes, Jun 17 for details. Could you please provide further details on the topic? Thanks

gdj0nes commented 1 week ago

@jpradocueva I'll take a look once i get access to the document