FinTechIntro / 2024-Spring-Final

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bonfire wallet #21

Open NOOMA-42 opened 1 month ago

NOOMA-42 commented 1 month ago


Bonfire Wallet is a passwordless burner wallet that leverages WebAuthen to onboard the next 1 million crypto users


Write a report for this project. Notably you report are required to cover below

  1. Explain and compare existing burner wallet
  2. Explain WebAuthn uses p256 which is specifially secp256r1
  3. Why future With ERC4337 MetaMask could be eliminated from the current flow of the wallet. A user wouldn’t need to already have a wallet to create a burner wallet
  4. The architecture of Bonfire



AysunL9 commented 1 month ago

Hi TA! I would like to assign myself to this issue. Could you please assignee this topic for me? Thank you!

NOOMA-42 commented 1 month ago

I've updated the description. let me know if it still looks good to you, I'll assign you

Hi TA! I would like to assign myself to this issue. Could you please assignee this topic for me? Thank you!

AysunL9 commented 1 month ago

I've updated the description. let me know if it still looks good to you, I'll assign you

Hi TA! I would like to assign myself to this issue. Could you please assignee this topic for me? Thank you!

It looks good to me. Thank you.

mingeydacoder commented 3 weeks ago

hello TAs! I'm wondering if you can assign me to this issue? Thank you for the help!

Allan11231123 commented 3 weeks ago

Hi TAs, I'm interested in this topic. Could you please assign me to this issue? Thank you!

hsu5211 commented 3 weeks ago

Hello TAs, would you please assign me to this issue? Many thanks!

NOOMA-42 commented 3 weeks ago

Hey thanks for the interest, do you consider other task , since there's a soft cap at 3 for each task. Of course you can still select this one but it's more likely that your report be compared against others'

Hello TAs, would you please assign me to this issue? Many thanks!