FinTechIntro / 2024-Spring-Final

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must to have algorithmic liquidity? #34

Open NOOMA-42 opened 1 month ago

NOOMA-42 commented 1 month ago


Explain and research the DeFi to support or against this statement:


Please provide a detailed description to the topic.


Please provide related resource for the topics, including articles, research papers and more.


Please provide more information if there is any.

JMs89228 commented 3 weeks ago

Hi TA, may I select this topic? Thank you.

NOOMA-42 commented 3 weeks ago

let me know if your need more description

Hi TA, may I select this topic? Thank you.

jedieason commented 3 weeks ago

Hi TA, I would like to select this topic. Thanks!

petercechung commented 3 weeks ago

助教好,抱歉之前忘記 request 了,我想選擇這個主題,謝謝!