FinTechIntro / 2024-Spring-Final

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MEV Evoluion overview and its mechanism #6

Open LouisTsai-Csie opened 1 month ago

LouisTsai-Csie commented 1 month ago


Please give a short summary of this research topic.

MEV, or Miximum Extractable Value, represents the potential value that validators can gain by controlling the inclusion or exclusion of transactions within a block. Our focus lies in understanding the mechanisms behind MEV and its evolution over time.


Please provide a detailed description to the topic.

The MEV bot can accrue value through techniques like front-running, back-running, arbitrage operations, and others. Researching how MEV generates profits and the underlying mechanisms behind it provides valuable insights.

Moreover, there are emerging MEV architectures like Flashbots. Please investigate its architecture on its innovative approach to handling MEV.


Please provide related resource for the topics, including articles, research papers and more.

MEV Boost


Flashbots Documentation


Please provide more information if there is any.

brianhsieh01 commented 1 month ago

Hello TA, could you please assign me to this topic? Thanks!

LouisTsai-Csie commented 1 month ago

@brianhsieh01 I am glad you are interested in this topic. There are numerous article explaining MEV, please dive deep into the topic. There are several topics you must research to finalize your report.

  1. MEV Definition, the changes of MEV after The Merge event back in 2022.
  2. Flash Bot, what is the relationship between flash bot and the validators?
  3. MEV-Boost, its architecture and the implementation.
  4. PBS (Proposer-Builder Separation), In-Protocol PBS vs enshrined PBS

Reading all the articles in this series is recommended, it will give you an overflow of MEV evolution and its architecture changes.

Using flash bots to send transactions and writing several proof-of-concepts would enhance your report.

Bernit-Chen commented 1 month ago

Hello TA, I’m interested in this topic. Could you please assign me to this topic? Thanks!

LouisTsai-Csie commented 1 month ago

@Bernit-Chen Done, please check my previous comment on this problem.

energybubu commented 4 weeks ago

Hello TA, could you please assign me to this topic? Thanks!

LouisTsai-Csie commented 4 weeks ago

@energybubu OK, please let me know if you need more information!

yuoffthewall commented 3 weeks ago

@LouisTsai-Csie Hello TA, I'd like to take this topic. Thanks!

LouisTsai-Csie commented 3 weeks ago

@yuoffthewall Hi, since more than three students are taking this topic, I recommend researching another domain. If you are still interested in this one, you can investigate this research problem.

Note that if more than three students are enrolled in the same topic, we will compare all of your final reports for grading.

yuoffthewall commented 3 weeks ago

@LouisTsai-Csie Understood. I'll stick to this topic. Thanks!