FinTechIntro / 2024-Spring-Final

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Understanding Flashloan and its application #8

Open LouisTsai-Csie opened 1 month ago

LouisTsai-Csie commented 1 month ago


Please give a short summary of this research topic.

Flash loan differs from traditional loan by not requiring the deposit of collateral, and it can borrow a large amount of asset within a single transaction. It is a powerful and innovative DeFi application, what is the current usage of flash loan? How to implement such application?


Please provide a detailed description to the topic.

EIP-3156 outline the flash loan implementation details, but not all the protocol that support flash loan follows the rules. There are many protocol that support such feature, such as DYDX, Uniswap, Aave, DoDo Finance, Ion Bank and more. What are the differences and similarities among these protocol and their flash loan implementations?

Based on academic research, flash loan is currently been applied to arbitrage, liquidation, collateral swap, and wash trading activities, you might check if there is related statistics on the Dune dashboard.


Please provide related resource for the topics, including articles, research papers and more.

Towards A First Step to Understand Flash Loan and Its Applications in DeFi Ecosystem

Understanding Flash-Loan-based Wash Trading

Optimal Flash Loan Fee Function with Respect to Leverage Strategies

FlashSyn: Flash Loan Attack Synthesis via Counter Example Driven Approximation


Please provide more information if there is any.

poshenchang commented 1 month ago

Hi, TA! I'd like to assign myself to this issue, thank you!

LouisTsai-Csie commented 1 month ago

@poshenchang Hello, I assigned you as the assignees, have fun.

In addition to academic research paper, I would recommend you to interact with on-chain protocol through foundry.

This might help.

nonoivan1234 commented 1 month ago

Hi TAs, I’m pretty interested in this topic. Could you assign me to it.? Many thanks.

LouisTsai-Csie commented 1 month ago

@nonoivan1234 Done

Please check this comment, we anticipate not only the implementation and application of flash loan but also the interaction with the protocol.

YirenHasAss commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, I'm interested in this topic. Could you give me the assignment?

LouisTsai-Csie commented 3 weeks ago

@YirenHasAss Yes, please check

poshenchang commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, TA! As for interacting with flash loan protocols, are there any specific aspects you'd like us to experiment on, or should we provide any sorts of proofs of such interactions (e.g. screenshots)?