FinalTeam / RxGalleryFinal

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The known vulnerability in the shared library which RxGalleryFinal depends on. #315

Open HelenParr opened 2 years ago

HelenParr commented 2 years ago

Hi, @pengjianbo , @7449 , I'd like to report a vulnerability issue in cn.finalteam.rxgalleryfinal:library:0.0.3.

Issue Description

cn.finalteam.rxgalleryfinal:library:0.0.3 directly or transitively depends on 5 C libraries (.so) cross many platforms(such as x86-64, x86, arm64, armhf). However, I noticed that one C libraries is vulnerable, containing the following CVEs: from C project libpng(version:1.6.22) exposed 2 vulnerabilities: CVE-2017-12652, CVE-2016-10087

Suggested Vulnerability Patch Versions

libpng has fixed the vulnerabilities in versions >=1.6.37

Java build tools cannot report vulnerable C libraries, which may induce potential security issues to many downstream Java projects. Could you please upgrade the above shared libraries to their patch versions?

Thanks for your help~ Best regards, Helen Parr