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virtual machine doesn't handle secret directory correctly #300

Closed btbonval closed 10 years ago

btbonval commented 10 years ago

VM fails to set permissions on the secret directory after importing it through Vagrant.

I saw this in the output:

chown: cannot access `karmaworld/secret/*.py': No such file or directory

In the directory, one file is being missed (the one that the Vagrant file generates), and is owned by root:root instead of vagrant:vagrant:

vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-precise-32:~/karmaworld$ ls -l karmaworld/secret/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root    root     219 Jan 23 06:56
btbonval commented 10 years ago

For reference, this area of the Vagrant file:

btbonval commented 10 years ago

hrm. I'm going to go ahead and guess the path differences are the problem: karmaworld/$SECRETPATH/ (correct) vs $SECRETPATH/*.py (incorrect).

Probably need to change this to be karmaworld/$SECRETPATH/*.py:

btbonval commented 10 years ago

That worked.