Financial-Times / n-teaser

⚠️ deprecated, please use x-teaser (which is a part of the x-dash repository) ⚠️
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Granularity #105

Open wheresrhys opened 7 years ago

wheresrhys commented 7 years ago

In optimising the head css across apps a recurring theme is we have to include o-teaser/o-teaser collection in their entirety in head.css whenever n-teaser is used above the fold. This is for a number of reasons:

Any thoughts on how we can tackle this @andygnewman @i-like-robots @onishiweb

andygnewman commented 7 years ago

Some thoughts;

There are two dimensions to teasers;

There is some small overlap (eg. image and video where content drives styling).

Then there is the anomaly that is package teasers, which is very specific and I have little understanding of.

So the type of n-teaser template is broadly irrelevant to the styling so that won't really help.

What you would need to have in order to understand the css variants is an array of unique o-teaser--?????? class values from the final html. Which is your viscous circle issue.

The only separation out that I can see that is simple and doesn't require any understanding of the real content / template is the Big Story variants that are only used on the home page and at the top of that page - so could be hard code configured easily.