Financial-Times / o-viewport

Utility for attaching debounced listeners to resize, scroll and orientation events on window
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getOrientation: what about watches and other square or round screens? #22

Closed kaelig closed 9 years ago

kaelig commented 9 years ago

e.g. What does a Moto 360 report when browsing a site? Is it correct for it to report landscape or portrait?

AlbertoElias commented 9 years ago

if you're using a web browser on a watch, you're doing something wrong. I really don't think we should consider it, at least not for a while

kaelig commented 9 years ago

if you're using a web browser on a phone, you're doing something wrong

– Everybody, in 2006

AlbertoElias commented 9 years ago

Exactly, in 2006, making mobile sites wasn't a priority, probably not until 2008-2009. The watches can't handle native apps fluidly yet, it will take a while until web browsers run more or less alright on watches, and then people actually create an ecosystem there. And then I'm also of the opinion that smartwatches are just a temporary thing :P

kaelig commented 9 years ago

Having read the Guardian and BBC News on a watch recently, I think it is quite usable. But I guess the business value to know about these types of screen might be very limited. Closing.

AlbertoElias commented 9 years ago

Do you mean the actual website or the apps?

triblondon commented 9 years ago

I agree with Alberto. It might be a thing, but right now it's nothing more than an interesting toy. It could be a labs project, but shouldn't be on Origami's radar.

kaelig commented 9 years ago

Do you mean the actual website or the apps?

The websites

AlbertoElias commented 9 years ago

Was it an Apple Watch? I know my watch can't even load a browser, but it's one of the worse out there

kaelig commented 9 years ago

It was a Moto 360.

AlbertoElias commented 9 years ago

At least it loads! It's still very far from usable keeping in mind it's a desktop site

kaelig commented 9 years ago

It's a mobile site actually! Responsive from 240 to ~1300 px if my memory serves me well. A bit slow to scroll but it loads and is readable and navigation works.

AlbertoElias commented 9 years ago

I much prefer the push notifications example they did at IO with the guardian where you received a notification on your watch about new content on the site via web push notifications.