Financial-Times / origami

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assetType standardisation discussion #153

Open georgecrawford opened 8 years ago

georgecrawford commented 8 years ago

Issue raised by Analytics:

Asset Type

  1. Inconsistencies and absences in implemented on and across platforms
  2. Article Pages tagged as page, topic, blog, section
  3. Some pages don't fit into existing values (Markets Data, ePaper, myFT, account settings, membership/signup)


Proposed enum:

story       A story or article
blog        A blog post
front       A home page or front page
ad          An advert
image       An image
interactive An interactive graphic
report      A special report
search      A search results page
section     A section or listing page
topic       A topic landing page
video       A video
page        anything else, not above
georgecrawford commented 8 years ago

Observations from Apps land:

  1. and discuss the possibility for automatically deriving assetType for at least some URL schemes.
  2. also mentions account. Is this required?
  3. FT web app currently sends: story, blog, front, report, section, topic, page, but does not send ad, image, interactive, search, video.
    • We differentiate between story and blog using aspectSet: "blogPost" from CAPI v1.
    • We don't currently track ad impressions ourselves, so won't add this
    • we don't support interactive graphics, so won't add this
    • image and video are both presented in fullscreen overlays, so for those we should add in the correct assetType where we're sending a page impression (and add tracking where we're not)
    • We don't currently track search impressions or events, but probably should:
JakeChampion commented 4 years ago

I've asked in the Data Platform support Slack channel for information on what the different values are for asset_type, @chrisbrownuk posted a table which contains them all, it looks like the Data Platform team are looking to rationalise those values. Once the rationalisation has been done, o-tracking should be able to enforce specific values for asset_type.

Here is a link to the thread on Slack --

chrisbrownuk commented 4 years ago

I'll add this for reference here, as it's related. This is further analysis of the content_asset_type field in Redshift. This comes from 3 possible sources, 2 from properties sent to Spoor API and 1 from Spoor Enrichment (next content).