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switch jest snapshots to use storyshots #196

Open apaleslimghost opened 5 years ago

apaleslimghost commented 5 years ago



i-like-robots commented 5 years ago

I think the latter is why I avoided it when first implementing snapshots...

We could get rid of the "magic" aspect and instead encourage/force components to include their own tests (which would resolve #152). There may be some repetition but that's OK, it's one code base so refactors are possible!

apaleslimghost commented 5 years ago

how would you feel about adding something to x-test-utils to do this? then each component would have its own __tests__ folder that could do something like:

import { storySnapshotTests } from '@financial-times/x-test-utils';

describe('x-teaser', () => {

edit: maybe make it more explicit:

import stories from '../stories';
import { storySnapshotTests } from '@financial-times/x-test-utils';

describe('x-teaser', () => {
i-like-robots commented 5 years ago

Pretty OK!