FinapsMX / BootstrapCarousel

Image carousel using resources from bootstrap
Apache License 2.0
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Bootstrap carousel on mendix cloud -> Mendix 5.17 #4

Closed stephanbruijnis closed 8 years ago

stephanbruijnis commented 8 years ago


I've added the bootstrap carousel on a clean mendix project and deployed it to the Mendix cloud. However the page won't load correctly (building widgets generates an error). The browser console (F12) shows: SyntaxError: expected expression, got ')' return eval(arguments[0]);

More information on the error:

I'm not sure what piece of code in the widget is causing this error. But it makes the entire app inaccessible.

I've created a Mendix cloud app project to demonstrate the issue: This issue only occurs on the cloud environment, local deplyments don't have this issue.

Could you please look into this?

With kind regards, Stephan

simonmartyr commented 8 years ago

Hi Stephan,

Thank you for reporting this I will look into ASAP. Sorry that this is causing a problem for you.


simonmartyr commented 8 years ago

Stephan, Could you make screenshots of your configuration of the widget as well as your data source microflow.


stephanbruijnis commented 8 years ago

Hi Attached the screenshots, I can also invite you to the Mendix project if you like; just let me know on what email address.


datasource domainmodel properties

simonmartyr commented 8 years ago


The structure above is what the widget expects I think this is the problem.

Then the attribute background Image needs to be the link from carousel/assoication/backgroundimage/name

Sorry if that isn't clear in the documentation.

stephanbruijnis commented 8 years ago

I'll give that a shot, thanks for the quick replies!

stephanbruijnis commented 8 years ago

It still causes the same error ( in the browser console: consoleerror

simonmartyr commented 8 years ago

Strange, I'm going to do a couple of tests on 5.17.. My only question is, do the entities have their access rules configured for anonymous users? Only other thing I can think of, of the top of my head.

stephanbruijnis commented 8 years ago

The access rules are configured and it still throws this error. But it happens even before the widget is displayed, the build up of the widgets (widgets.js) already triggers this error.

simonmartyr commented 8 years ago

This maybe an error due to sandbox... I'd need to check with some colleagues as I just noticed that your environment is a sandbox. I find it confusing as to why this would happen as uses this widget on the home page (running 5.19 MX)

stephanbruijnis commented 8 years ago

It might be only MX 5.17 then. We've experienced this problem on a Mendix cloud project (acceptance environment) and made a reproduction of the issue in the sandbox to demonstrate it's only this widget and not caused by anything else in our project.

What would be the best way to move forward and pin-point the issue?

stephanbruijnis commented 8 years ago

After some work of my colleague, he figured out the version in the Mendix appstore is outdated compared to the version on Github. It took us some time, but it seems the version on Github has a fix for a problem earlier reported and also fixes our issue.

Could you make sure the version in the Mendix appstore is updated as well?

With kind regards,

simonmartyr commented 8 years ago

@stephanbruijnis sorry I've been away for the last couple of days. Thank you for pointing this out and bring it to our attention we will make this change right away.