Finbuckle / Finbuckle.MultiTenant

Finbuckle.MultiTenant is an open-source multitenancy middleware library for .NET. It enables tenant resolution, per-tenant app behavior, and per-tenant data isolation.
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how to access to Tenant by Code #62

Closed Sheko007 closed 5 years ago

Sheko007 commented 6 years ago

how to access to Tenant by Code

AndrewTriesToCode commented 6 years ago

Hi @Sheko007

I'm not sure I understand the question. Are you asking how to access the TenantContext from your controller code? If that is the question then just use the GetTenantContext() extension method on HttpContext like this:

using Finbuckle.MultiTenant.AspNetCore; // this will be just Finbuckle.MultiTenant in v2.0 coming soon
IActionResult MyController()
    var tenantContext = HttpContext.GetTenantContext();
    return View();

You can also inject the TenantContext into the controller constructor or action method if you prefer.

Sheko007 commented 6 years ago

Hi @achandlerwhite i using hoststrategy so tenant will be as subdmain now i have one tenant name : aaa.localhost:9999 tenant = aaa so if in code now aaa.localhost:9999 and use IActionResult MyController() { var tenantContext = HttpContext.GetTenantContext(); return View(); } return = tenantContext my tenant = aaa if me now on localhost:9999 so if me use this code return null to not there Anther way to Access to Tenant from code like

search and find tenant by name or id return TenantContext and access on it direct

AndrewTriesToCode commented 6 years ago

@Sheko007 I see what you mean. Using the host strategy on a dev machine is tricky. You will have to edit your systems “hosts” file and point the ‘aaa.localhost’ to IP address The steps vary by operating system but if you google it you will get some good search results.

However, if you for some reason can't do that, you can get the multitenant store from dependency injection and call GetByIdentifierAsync on it to get the tenant context. Let me know if you need a code sample for how to do that.

AndreSteenbergen commented 5 years ago

I don't know if this is still an issue, I had the same issue. I solved it using a custom IMultiTenantStrategy

public class TenantStrategy : IMultiTenantStrategy
        public string GetIdentifier(object context)
            if (!(context is HttpContext))
                throw new MultiTenantException(null,
                    new ArgumentException("\"context\" type must be of type HttpContext", nameof(context)));

            var host = (context as HttpContext).Request.Host;
            return host.Host;

and a custom IMultiTenantStore with the following check: My config.Identifier is a full host RegExp.

public Task<TenantContext> GetByIdentifierAsync(string identifier)
            if (!hostConfigurations.TryGetValue(identifier, out TenantContext context))
                foreach (var testConfig in tenantConfigurations)
                    if (testConfig.Identifier == "*")
                        hostConfigurations[identifier] = context = GetContextFromConfig(testConfig);
                        Regex re = new Regex(testConfig.Identifier, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        if (re.IsMatch(identifier))
                            hostConfigurations[identifier] = context = GetContextFromConfig(testConfig);
                    catch { }
            return Task.FromResult(context);

Configured in startup as:

services.AddSingleton<IMultiTenantStore>((serviceProvider) =>
                var cfg = serviceProvider.GetService<List<TenantConfiguration>>();
                return new TenantResolver(cfg.ToArray());
AndrewTriesToCode commented 5 years ago

@AndreSteenbergen interesting solution. Testing anything based on subdomains is fundamentally difficult in local development. I found it easier in macOS and Linux (just editing the hosts file) than in Windows (because IIS Express requires more configuration to get it to work).

I just found a site that might help. Haven't tested it myself, but I will be:

AndreSteenbergen commented 5 years ago

there is an etc hosts file in windows as well, it's in the c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts this is twe way I am testing all subdomains locally.