Finbuckle / Finbuckle.MultiTenant

Finbuckle.MultiTenant is an open-source multitenancy middleware library for .NET. It enables tenant resolution, per-tenant app behavior, and per-tenant data isolation.
Apache License 2.0
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Cookies and Identity Server #842

Open goforebroke opened 2 weeks ago

goforebroke commented 2 weeks ago

Hi Andrew,

Having problems logging into identity server after a tenant identifier is updated by a user. I am hoping to get some guidance/assistance

When a new tenant is created an identifier is automatically created for them. I allow tenants to update their identifier. Once their identifier is updated the user can initiate a logout, which logs them out and redirects them to the start page with the updated identifier in the url.

e.g user is logged in with this url


user then updates their identifier to "ABC" and initiates a logout. The user is then redirected to this url


At this point the user then tries to log back in, but instead of logging into identity server with the new identifier


the user is redirected to identity server with the old url


resulting in invalid redirect uri error in identity server since the urls dont match...."ABC" does not match "1B8E302B-B931-4CAE-B404-A42B7D1E8895"

I suspect it has to do with the identity server session created with the first login prior to updating the identifier?

My signout code in the application

public IActionResult OnGet()
      var redirectUri = Url.Page("/", null, null, Request.Scheme);
       return SignOut(new AuthenticationProperties() 
                RedirectUri = redirectUri
       }, CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme,

Any help appreciated.

AndrewTriesToCode commented 6 days ago

Hi friend. I haven’t forgotten you. I’m catching up on things and will take a look. Have you made any progress in the mean time?

goforebroke commented 3 days ago

Hi Andrew,

At this time no, but I currently have a work around.