Finchow / KVMs

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Mac OS #1

Open GrzegorzManiak opened 1 month ago

GrzegorzManiak commented 1 month ago

Hey, I know that this is int the appropriate forum for this, but It's the only place that I could actually find your contact.

I seen your posts on Reddit about GPU spoofing for hackintoshes, have you managed to get that to work?

Finchow commented 1 month ago

I managed to get It working. Do you mind telling me what stage you are currently at? have a look at: <- this one helped me the most.

It was quite a while ago so I don't specifically remember what I did but I remember editing the config.plist to spoof the device to a supported one (Mentioned in video 2). and I added amdgpu=pikera to boot args in config.plist Creating SSDTs didn't work all for me.

Take my advice with a grain of salt. Its really tricky, and you have to find what works for your hardware.

You may want to mount and edit the opencore.qcow2 image on the host machine (it contains the config.plist and other things). I found it easier to mount the image and edit the files instead of starting the KVM and hoping my changes worked.