FiniteVolumeTransportPhenomena / PyFVTool

Finite volume toolbox in Python
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Default sparse linear solver is slow for large systems #45

Open simulkade opened 1 month ago

simulkade commented 1 month ago

In a discussion with my friend @skieninger about the speed of sparse linear solvers of Matlab versus Python for solving a large system of equation (around 1e6) , we compared the backslash solver of Matlab with scipy's SuperLU, we observed a huge difference (with Matlab much faster), which is due to the fact that suitesparse and its poly algorithm (umfpack) is not installed by default in scipy. A package is available here but is a pain to install on Windows and even on WSL (or I had difficulties getting it to work easily with all the recent changes in numpy and scipy). When it works though, it makes a huge difference. For me, Pypardiso also did not work either with system and memory errors. I also noticed that switching between the different existing scipy solvers can also make a significant difference.
The problem is very well documented here.

To address this problem, I suggest the following list of tasks/objectives:

Here's the script I am using to test the solvers:

import pyfvtool as pf
import numpy as np
import time
start_time = time.time()

# Solving a 1D diffusion equation with a fixed concentration 
# at the left boundary and a closed boundary on the right side

# Calculation parameters
Nx = 20 # number of finite volume cells
Lx = 1.0 # [m] length of the domain 
c_left = 1.0 # left boundary concentration
c_init = 0.0 # initial concentration
D_val = 1e-5 # diffusion coefficient (gas phase)
t_simulation = 120.0 # [s] simulation time
dt = 60.0 # [s] time step

# Define mesh
mesh = pf.Grid3D(Nx, Nx, Nx, Lx, Lx, Lx)

# Create a cell variable with initial concentration
# By default, 'no flux' boundary conditions are applied
c = pf.CellVariable(mesh, c_init)

# Switch the left boundary to Dirichlet: fixed concentration
c.BCs.left.a[:] = 0.0
c.BCs.left.b[:] = 1.0
c.BCs.left.c[:] = c_left

# Assign diffusivity to cells
D_cell = pf.CellVariable(mesh, D_val)
D_face = pf.geometricMean(D_cell) # average value of diffusivity at the interfaces between cells

Mt, RHSt = pf.transientTerm(c, dt, 1.0)
Mbc, RHSbc = pf.boundaryConditionsTerm(c.BCs)
Md = pf.diffusionTerm(D_face)
M = Mt - Md + Mbc
RHS = RHSt + RHSbc
c_new = pf.solveMatrixPDE(mesh, M, RHS)
# Print the execution time
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
mhvwerts commented 1 month ago

It will be great to have a notebook of 'recipes' for getting external sparse solvers to work with PyFVTool.

For our present calculations (2D cylindrical, 375000 cells), Pypardiso works well (Win11, miniconda, specific PyFVTool environment) and decreases total calculation time by a factor up to 10x (laptops, Intel i7, 32 Gb RAM). I think we are lucky.

Concerning MATLAB: you get what you pay for! I guess that MATLAB has been partnering for long with developers of sparse solvers to get these to work in a hassle-free manner and optimize the performance. This is probably true for other commercial software. Sparse array support in scientific Python still needs further work.

Some ideas:

simulkade commented 4 weeks ago

I have the impression that the biggest chance of getting this kind of thing working easily, is to use a dedicated Linux installation, perhaps on a separate workstation.

I will give it a shot later, when my son does not play don't starve together on our Linux machine.

UMFPACK via scikit-umfpack seems the way to go. Encouraging news concerning

Totally agree. I wish it was installed by default in scipy. It seems that the problem is a license incompatibility.

mhvwerts commented 3 weeks ago

For now, Linux seems indeed to be the easiest OS for working with UMFPACK: