Finnhub-Stock-API / finnhub-python

Finnhub Python API Client. Finnhub API provides institutional-grade financial data to investors, fintech startups and investment firms. We support real-time stock price, global fundamentals, global ETFs holdings and alternative data.
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crypto_candles is giving data of wrong length and dates #55

Open AndrewBworth opened 1 year ago

AndrewBworth commented 1 year ago

Hello, I just started working with finnhub moving from yfinance. It's returning the wrong data, the data I ask for is today and up to 200 days back, but instead I get odd numbers like 128 days back or 228 days back, and the start and end times are completely wrong. Here's my "hello world", it has a unfinished function in the middle (functionmovingaverage), but it's just a rough unfinished program. I have a long list of crpytocurrencies reading out of a text file (CryptoList.txt)


import finnhub import pandas as pd import datetime import time

starttime = - datetime.timedelta(days = 200) currenttime = - datetime.timedelta() starttimestamp = int(starttime.timestamp()) currenttimestamp = int(currenttime.timestamp())

print(starttimestamp) print(currenttimestamp) cryptolist = open("CryptoList.txt")

fc = finnhub.Client(api_key="cjsjv99r01qm5ielfq1gcjsjv99r01qm5ielfq20")

def functionmovingaverage(pandasdata): count = 199 sum200 = 0 sum50 = 0 sum20 = 0 sum10 = 0 sum5 = 0 lastval = 0 datalength = len(pandasdata) print(datalength) if datalength > 200: print(datalength) if datalength < 200: return -333 for k in pandasdata.itertuples(): print(k)

for i in cryptolist.readlines(): fixedi = i.split('\n')[0] name = fixedi print(name) res = fc.crypto_candles(name, 'D', starttimestamp, currenttimestamp) dataframe = pd.DataFrame(res) functionmovingaverage(dataframe) time.sleep(1)

canstralian commented 3 months ago

import finnhub # Import the Finnhub API client import pandas as pd import datetime import time

def get_valid_crypto_symbols(file_path): """Reads cryptocurrency symbols from a file and returns a list of valid symbols.""" valid_symbols = [] with open(file_path, 'r') as file: for line in file: symbol = line.strip() # Remove leading/trailing whitespaces if symbol: valid_symbols.append(symbol) return valid_symbols

def fetch_crypto_data(client, symbol, start_timestamp, end_timestamp): """ Fetches cryptocurrency data for the given symbol within the specified time range. Returns a pandas DataFrame containing the fetched data. """ try:

Call Finnhub API to get cryptocurrency candles data

    res = client.crypto_candles(symbol, 'D', start_timestamp, end_timestamp)
    if 's' in res:
        return pd.DataFrame(res['s'])  # Convert the response to a DataFrame
        print(f"No data found for symbol {symbol}")
        return None
except Exception as e:
    print(f"Error fetching data for symbol {symbol}: {e}")
    return None

def main():

Define time range

start_time = - datetime.timedelta(days=200)
end_time =
start_timestamp = int(start_time.timestamp())
end_timestamp = int(end_time.timestamp())

# Initialize Finnhub client
api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"  # Replace "YOUR_API_KEY" with your actual API key
client = finnhub.Client(api_key=api_key)

# Get valid cryptocurrency symbols from the file
crypto_symbols = get_valid_crypto_symbols("CryptoList.txt")

# Fetch data for each cryptocurrency symbol
for symbol in crypto_symbols:
    # Fetch data for the symbol
    crypto_data = fetch_crypto_data(client, symbol, start_timestamp, end_timestamp)
    if crypto_data is not None:
        # Process the fetched data or call other functions here
        print(f"Fetched data for {symbol}:")
        print(crypto_data.head())  # Just printing the first few rows for demonstration

    time.sleep(1)  # Add a delay to avoid hitting API rate limits

if name == "main": main()