Finschia / finschia-sdk

A framework for building blockchains based Finschia Mainnet that is forked from cosmos-sdk
Apache License 2.0
61 stars 31 forks source link

feat: add role-based access control for bridge (backport #1358) #1359

Closed mergify[bot] closed 7 months ago

mergify[bot] commented 7 months ago


closes: #XXXX

Motivation and context

How has this been tested?

Screenshots (if appropriate):


mergify[bot] commented 7 months ago

Cherry-pick of 1c272c99f254e80575476b635fc80475194db59a has failed:

On branch mergify/bp/release/v0.49.x/pr-1358
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/release/v0.49.x'.

You are currently cherry-picking commit 1c272c99f.
  (fix conflicts and run "git cherry-pick --continue")
  (use "git cherry-pick --skip" to skip this patch)
  (use "git cherry-pick --abort" to cancel the cherry-pick operation)

Changes to be committed:
    modified:   client/docs/config.json
    modified:   docs/core/
    modified:   proto/lbm/fbridge/v1/event.proto
    modified:   proto/lbm/fbridge/v1/fbridge.proto
    modified:   proto/lbm/fbridge/v1/genesis.proto
    modified:   proto/lbm/fbridge/v1/query.proto
    modified:   proto/lbm/fbridge/v1/tx.proto
    modified:   simapp/app.go
    modified:   x/fbridge/client/cli/query.go
    modified:   x/fbridge/client/cli/tx.go
    new file:   x/fbridge/keeper/abci.go
    new file:   x/fbridge/keeper/auth.go
    new file:   x/fbridge/keeper/auth_test.go
    modified:   x/fbridge/keeper/genesis.go
    modified:   x/fbridge/keeper/grpc_query.go
    modified:   x/fbridge/keeper/keeper.go
    modified:   x/fbridge/keeper/msg_server.go
    new file:   x/fbridge/keeper/params.go
    modified:   x/fbridge/keeper/transfer_test.go
    modified:   x/fbridge/module/module.go
    modified:   x/fbridge/testutil/setup.go
    modified:   x/fbridge/types/codec.go
    new file:   x/fbridge/types/errors.go
    modified:   x/fbridge/types/event.pb.go
    new file:   x/fbridge/types/fbridge.go
    modified:   x/fbridge/types/fbridge.pb.go
    modified:   x/fbridge/types/genesis.go
    modified:   x/fbridge/types/genesis.pb.go
    modified:   x/fbridge/types/keys.go
    modified:   x/fbridge/types/msgs.go
    modified:   x/fbridge/types/params.go
    new file:   x/fbridge/types/params_test.go
    modified:   x/fbridge/types/query.pb.go
    modified:   x/fbridge/types/
    modified:   x/fbridge/types/tx.pb.go

Unmerged paths:
  (use "git add/rm <file>..." as appropriate to mark resolution)
    both modified:
    both modified:   client/docs/swagger-ui/swagger.yaml
    deleted by us:   x/

To fix up this pull request, you can check it out locally. See documentation: