Closed hatemragab closed 2 years ago
Web support is troublesome since Flutter is not addressing necessary issue for Emoji's on Web. But with recent changes on Master-Branch it might work by using custom font, I just didn't find time yet to give it another try. Feel free to give it a try and let me know. For Windows (and Linux) I will try to add support soon if Emoji's work fine on those platforms
hi @Fintasys , could you please explain what is the issue with the web version? Im really interested in using emoji picker in web
I am also very interested in using this package for web, I hope I can use it in near future :)
Plugs working on windows 👏
For Web support please see my recent comment here For Windows I tried to compile but I'm facing some issues. Need a bit more time 🙏
For Web support please see my recent comment here #2 For Windows I tried to compile but I'm facing some issues. Need a bit more time 🙏
I just use your new branch for web 2 and not working in the web
@hatemragab Can you specify what exactly is not working?
The following UnsupportedError was thrown building EmojiKeyboard(dirty):
Unsupported operation: Platform._operatingSystem
The relevant error-causing widget was:
EmojiKeyboard EmojiKeyboard:file:///Users/hatemragap/flutter_projects/weellu_org/weellu_chat_mobile/apps/mobile/lib/app/modules/message_modules/message/features/message_input/message_input_widget.dart:123:17
When the exception was thrown, this was the stack:
dart-sdk/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/private/ddc_runtime/errors.dart 266:49 throw_
dart-sdk/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/patch/io_patch.dart 244:5 _operatingSystem
dart-sdk/lib/io/platform_impl.dart 56:40 get operatingSystem
dart-sdk/lib/io/platform.dart 64:45 get _operatingSystem
dart-sdk/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/private/ddc_runtime/operations.dart 839:8 get
dart-sdk/lib/io/platform.dart 153:47 get isIOS
dart-sdk/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/private/ddc_runtime/operations.dart 839:8 get
packages/mobile/app/modules/message_modules/message/features/message_input/widgets/emoji_keyborad.dart 32:42 build
packages/flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart 4949:22 build
packages/flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart 4878:15 performRebuild
packages/flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart 4604:5 rebuild
packages/flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart 4956:5 update
packages/flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart 3570:14 updateChild
packages/flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart 5904:32 updateChildren
packages/flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart 6460:17 update
packages/flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart 3570:14 updateChild
packages/flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart 4904:16 performRebuild
packages/flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart 5050:11 performRebuild
packages/flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart 4604:5 rebuild
packages/flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart 2667:18 buildScope
packages/flutter/src/widgets/binding.dart 882:9 drawFrame
packages/flutter/src/rendering/binding.dart 378:5 [_handlePersistentFrameCallback]
packages/flutter/src/scheduler/binding.dart 1175:15 [_invokeFrameCallback]
packages/flutter/src/scheduler/binding.dart 1104:9 handleDrawFrame
packages/flutter/src/scheduler/binding.dart 1015:5 [_handleDrawFrame]
lib/_engine/engine/platform_dispatcher.dart 1168:13 invoke
lib/_engine/engine/platform_dispatcher.dart 219:5 invokeOnDrawFrame
lib/_engine/engine/initialization.dart 195:45 <fn>
dart-sdk/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/private/ddc_runtime/operations.dart 334:14 _checkAndCall
dart-sdk/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/private/ddc_runtime/operations.dart 339:39 dcall
@hatemragab I think you need to change this line in your config
emojiSizeMax: 32 * (Platform.isIOS ? 1.30 : 1.0),
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart' as foundation;
emojiSizeMax: 32 * (!foundation.kIsWeb && Platform.isIOS ? 1.30 : 1.0),
Yes if fixed thanks
hope this project and support other plaforms web support and windows