Fintasys / emoji_picker_flutter

A Flutter package that provides an Emoji picker widget with 1500+ emojis in 8 categories.
MIT License
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Emoji are not rendered properly in web on flutter 2.7 #124

Closed tahaJemmali closed 1 year ago

tahaJemmali commented 1 year ago


thomas4Bitcraft commented 1 year ago

@tahaJemmali Same for me. Did you find a solution for this problem?

mirkancal commented 1 year ago

Same in 3.7.3. You were able to see emojis correctly in other areas? Such as copying pasting from another website to the textfield?

Also similar SO question:

Edit: My problem was none of the emojis were visible on Flutter Web, it was showing black and white. I fixed it by adding NotoColorEmoji for web.

 child: EmojiPicker(
                                  config: Config(
                                    emojiTextStyle: kIsWeb
                                        ? TextStyle(
                                            fontFamily: 'NotoColorEmoji',
                                        : null,

With that said, I think it's Flutter Web's issue for emojis, not the package. I'm looking for a way to display iOS emojis on Chrome-Safari on MacOS.

tahaJemmali commented 1 year ago

@thomas4Bitcraft I reverted back to the old version of flutter :

[√] Flutter (Channel stable, 3.3.9, on Microsoft Windows [version 10.0.22000.1574], locale en-US) • Flutter version 3.3.9 on channel stable at C:\flutter • Upstream repository • Framework revision b8f7f1f986 (3 months ago), 2022-11-23 06:43:51 +0900 • Engine revision 8f2221fbef • Dart version 2.18.5 • DevTools version 2.15.0

Fintasys commented 1 year ago

I agree, I think the issue is Flutter related. If you still think it's relates to the package it would be nice if you could provide some example code.

tahaJemmali commented 1 year ago

No it's not related to the package, I'm going to close the issue. Ps: thank you for the package, very helpfull !

LostInDarkMath commented 1 year ago

See also