"Kunstkammern, art and curiosity cabinets housed in a dedicated room or suite of chambers, were often filled with thousands of diverse and sometimes shocking objects reflecting the bounty of nature and human creativity. These could range from a cherry pit carved with dozens of faces to an intricate drinking cup fashioned from a rhinoceros horn. Whether as a setting for personal contemplation or as a manifestation of the wealth and prestige of its owners, these proto-museums dazzled visitors of the time. This book offers the first in-depth comparative examination of the history, theory, organization and character of the major Kunstkammern in the Holy Roman Empire" (Kunstkammer : early modern art and curiosity cabinets in the Holy Roman Empire / Jeffrey Chipps Smith, 2022)
Käsitteen tyyppi
Ehdotettu termi suomeksi
Ehdotettu termi ruotsiksi
Ehdotettu termi englanniksi
Cabinets of curiosities
Tarkoitusta täsmentävä selite
"Kunstkammern, art and curiosity cabinets housed in a dedicated room or suite of chambers, were often filled with thousands of diverse and sometimes shocking objects reflecting the bounty of nature and human creativity. These could range from a cherry pit carved with dozens of faces to an intricate drinking cup fashioned from a rhinoceros horn. Whether as a setting for personal contemplation or as a manifestation of the wealth and prestige of its owners, these proto-museums dazzled visitors of the time. This book offers the first in-depth comparative examination of the history, theory, organization and character of the major Kunstkammern in the Holy Roman Empire" (Kunstkammer : early modern art and curiosity cabinets in the Holy Roman Empire / Jeffrey Chipps Smith, 2022)
Perustelut ehdotukselle
Kuriositeettikabinetit Melinda-haussa, 11 viitettä
Ehdotettu yläkäsite YSOssa (LT)
Ehdotetut temaattiset ryhmät
Vaihtoehtoiset termit
Alakäsitteet (RT)
Assosiatiiviset (RT)
Vastaava käsite muussa sanastossa
Sao, LCSH, maotao, wikipedia
Aineisto jonka kuvailussa käsitettä tarvitaan (esim. nimeke tai URL)
Ehdottajan organisaatio
Museoviraston kirjasto Termiehdotus Fintossa: kuriositeettikabinetit