FireCubeStudios / Rebound

Windows 11 done right.
MIT License
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为何要地区屏蔽??Why Region Blocking? #3

Closed AnnualfireCHW closed 3 weeks ago

AnnualfireCHW commented 1 month ago


It's infuriating, I found out on your open source file that you blocked countries in the region of Russia and China, could you please explain why you did this? 如果你是出于语言翻译或与之相应的兼容性问题可以考虑招募一些翻译的人员,但无论如何选择直接屏蔽这两个国家,并且不给出任何说明,这都是违反开源协议! If you're looking for language translation or compatibility issues, consider recruiting some translators, but in any case choosing to block these two countries directly without giving any explanation, it's a violation of the open source license!

xiaojiang233 commented 1 month ago

支持 Im support.

IviriusMain commented 1 month ago

Hello! Blocking Rebound 11 in Russia is part of general sanctions as a result of the war in Ukraine. About China, it's a temporary restriction until we can make sure Rebound 11 doesn't contain components that might not be allowed there. These bans will be lifted in v0.0.3 ALPHA.

AnnualfireCHW commented 1 month ago

Hello! Blocking Rebound 11 in Russia is part of general sanctions as a result of the war in Ukraine. About China, it's a temporary restriction until we can make sure Rebound 11 doesn't contain components that might not be allowed there. These bans will be lifted in v0.0.3 ALPHA.

首先,你的政治立场与我们无关,无论你支持哪个国家,都不应该把你的政治立场带入开源软件中! 其次,我不明白你说的“屏蔽关于中国的组件”,这是一个翻译问题,请你用更简洁明了的语言进行阐述。 另外,我不想也不该在 Github 上讨论国际政治话题,我们都在朝着开源的美好方向前进,不要毁了开源社区环境! 将自己的政治偏见或立场添加到软件中,甚至对其作出限制是非常愚蠢的行为!!!我希望您理解这一点,祝你有美好的一天

First of all, your political stance has nothing to do with us, and no matter which country you support, you should not bring your political stance into open source software! Secondly, I don't understand what you said about "blocking the components about China", this is a translation problem, please elaborate in more concise and clear language. In addition, I don't want to and shouldn't discuss international politics on Github, we are all moving in the beautiful direction of open source, don't ruin the open source community environment! It's foolish to add your own political biases or positions to the software, or even limit them!! I hope you understand this and have a nice day

AnnualfireCHW commented 1 month ago

抛开上述这些,我很欣赏您的项目,它对于统一windows 11的视觉效果有巨大改变并且这是一项辛苦的工作,这方面我们的立场是相同的 但是,加入自己的政治立场是否是一件合理的行为? 作出不合理的限制,是否应该在开源社区发生? 请你自行斟酌 Putting all of the above aside, I appreciate your project, it makes a huge difference to unify the visuals of Windows 11 and it's been a hard work, we are on the same page in this regard But is it a reasonable course of action to join one's own political stance? Should unreasonable restrictions occur in the open source community? At your own discretion