FireDynamics / propti

PROPTI is an interface tool that couples simulation models with algorithms to solve the inverse problem of material parameter estimation in a modular way. It is designed with flexibility in mind and can communicate with arbitrary algorithm libraries and simulation models. Furthermore, it provides basic means of pre- and post-processing.
MIT License
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cd'ing to a directory with blank raises error #93

Open p-lauer opened 3 years ago

p-lauer commented 3 years ago
Initializing the  Shuffled Complex Evolution (SCE-UA) algorithm  with  50000  repetitions
The objective function will be minimized
Starting burn-in sampling...
root        : INFO     serial model execution started
root        : INFO     start execution of simulation setup: tga_analysis_01
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "propti/", line 64, in <module>
    res = pr.run_optimisation(ops, setups, optimiser)
  File "/somedir/Untitled Folder 2/anotherdir/propti/propti/", line 153, in run_optimisation
    results=sampler.sample(opt.repetitions, ngs=ngs, max_loop_inc=opt.max_loop_inc)
  File "/somedir/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/spotpy/algorithms/", line 189, in sample
    for rep, randompar, simulations in self.repeat(param_generator):
  File "/somedir/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/spotpy/parallel/", line 27, in __call__
    data = self.process(job)
  File "/somedir/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/spotpy/algorithms/", line 75, in simulate
    return _algorithm.simulate(self, id_params_tuple)
  File "/somedir/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/spotpy/algorithms/", line 467, in simulate
    model_result = self.setup.simulation(self.partype(*all_params))
  File "/somedir/Untitled Folder 2/anotherdir/propti/propti/", line 81, in simulation
    run_simulations(self.setups, self.optimiser.num_subprocesses)
  File "/somedir/Untitled Folder 2/anotherdir/propti/propti/", line 148, in run_simulations
    run_simulation_serial(s, best_para_run)
  File "/somedir/Untitled Folder 2/anotherdir/propti/propti/", line 173, in run_simulation_serial
    stdout=log_file, stderr=log_file)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 311, in check_call
    raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command 'cd /somedir/Untitled Folder 2/anotherdir/tga_analysis_run_01/rundir_srbp2j50 && fds model_input.file' returned non-zero exit status 2.

Happened during automated execution of the model.