Open 5argon opened 7 years ago
The following code passed the compilation but failed when deploying to Firebase
` path /userPrivate/{uid} is UserPrivateData { read() { auth.uid == uid } write() { auth.uid == uid } }
type UserPrivateData { playerId : String | Null, playerIdHash : Number | Null, formattedShortPlayerId : FormattedShortPlayerId | Null, playerData : String, test : Boolean | Null
create() { //When creating you must have all of them. test is optional. (this.playerId != null && this.playerIdHash != null && this.formattedShortPlayerId != null && this.playerData != null && (this.test != null && this.test == true) || (this.test == null)) } update() { //When updating only playerData is allowed. (this.playerId == null && this.playerIdHash == null && this.formattedShortPlayerId == null && this.test == null && this.playerData != null) } //Can't delete! //Cannot use write() after using create update delete
path /userPublic/{formattedShortPlayerId} is UserPublicData { read() { auth != null } write() { formattedShortPlayerId.length == 12 && formattedShortPlayerId == root.userPrivate[auth.uid].formattedShortPlayerId } }
type UserPublicData { displayName : DisplayName | Null, iconForeground : String | Null, iconBackground : String | Null }
type FormattedShortPlayerId extends String { validate(){ this.length == 12 } }
type DisplayName extends String { validate(){ this.length <= 10 && this.length > 0 } } `
Error saving rules - Line 24: No such method/property 'test'.
Because it produces things like newData.val().test in the output.
However changing test to isTesting for example, solve the issue as the output correctly uses .child('isTesting').val()
The following code passed the compilation but failed when deploying to Firebase
` path /userPrivate/{uid} is UserPrivateData { read() { auth.uid == uid } write() { auth.uid == uid } }
type UserPrivateData { playerId : String | Null, playerIdHash : Number | Null, formattedShortPlayerId : FormattedShortPlayerId | Null, playerData : String, test : Boolean | Null
path /userPublic/{formattedShortPlayerId} is UserPublicData { read() { auth != null } write() { formattedShortPlayerId.length == 12 && formattedShortPlayerId == root.userPrivate[auth.uid].formattedShortPlayerId } }
type UserPublicData { displayName : DisplayName | Null, iconForeground : String | Null, iconBackground : String | Null }
type FormattedShortPlayerId extends String { validate(){ this.length == 12 } }
type DisplayName extends String { validate(){ this.length <= 10 && this.length > 0 } } `
Error saving rules - Line 24: No such method/property 'test'.
Because it produces things like
in the output.However changing
for example, solve the issue as the output correctly uses.child('isTesting').val()