FirebaseExtended / cocos2dx-cpp-sample

Firebase Cocos2d-x samples
MIT License
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Java class com/google/firebase/FirebaseApp not found. Please verify the AAR which contains the com/google/firebase/FirebaseApp class is included in your app. #17

Open thienphuoc opened 6 years ago

thienphuoc commented 6 years ago

06-11 09:33:07.161 2083-2109/com.mygame.game1 E/FirebaseInstanceId: Google Play services missing or without correct permission. 06-11 09:33:07.353 2083-2111/com.mygame.game1 E/firebase: Java class com/google/firebase/FirebaseApp not found. Please verify the AAR which contains the com/google/firebase/FirebaseApp class is included in your app. clazz 06-11 09:33:07.353 2083-2111/com.mygame.game1 A/firebase: Java class com/google/firebase/FirebaseApp not found. Please verify the AAR which contains the com/google/firebase/FirebaseApp class is included in your app.

*build.grade ( buildscript { repositories { google() jcenter() }

dependencies {
    classpath ''
    classpath ''

    // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
    // in the individual module build.gradle files


allprojects { repositories { google() jcenter() } }

*build.grade (Module App) ...... dependencies {

implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
implementation project(':libcocos2dx')
implementation ''
implementation ''


apply plugin: ''

Is my application missing the firebase-ads-x-x.aar file ?

Can someone help me ? Thanks you very much!

formatCvt commented 6 years ago

Which version of cocos and firebase cpp sdk do you use? I think you should add this to project dependencies implementation '' implementation ''

thienphuoc commented 6 years ago


I added this , But it's not working !

And then i created a new project named "sampleAdmob" , i also followed the guide .

After completing step : "3.Follow the steps to Add Firebase to your app that is located in the directory." -> i built debug and release .apk, it work fine ! ....... ....... After completing step : "C++ integration" -> i built debug .apk , it work fine . But the release .apk , it error with log :

06-13 11:53:27.935 3917-3948/? E/FirebaseInstanceId: Google Play services missing or without correct permission. 06-13 11:53:27.936 3917-3937/? V/FA: Connection attempt already in progress 06-13 11:53:27.937 3917-3937/? V/FA: Connection attempt already in progress Activity resumed, time: 11913031 06-13 11:53:28.085 3917-3942/? D/EngineDataManager.cpp: setAnimationInterval by game: 0.0167 JNI setAnimationInterval: 0.016667 06-13 11:53:28.102 3950-3950/? E/cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: Permission denied (13) 06-13 11:53:28.102 3950-3950/? I/dex2oat: /system/bin/dex2oat --runtime-arg -classpath --runtime-arg --instruction-set=x86 --instruction-set-features=default --runtime-arg -Xrelocate --boot-image=/system/framework/ --dex-file=/data/data/com.sample.admob/cache/app_resources_lib.jar --oat-fd=18 --oat-location=/data/data/com.sample.admob/code_cache/app_resources_lib.dex --runtime-arg -Xms64m --runtime-arg -Xmx512m 06-13 11:53:28.120 3950-3950/? I/dex2oat: dex2oat took 18.765ms (threads: 4) 06-13 11:53:28.124 3917-3942/? E/firebase: Java class com/google/firebase/FirebaseApp not found. Please verify the AAR which contains the com/google/firebase/FirebaseApp class is included in your app. 06-13 11:53:28.125 3917-3942/? E/firebase: clazz 06-13 11:53:28.125 3917-3942/? A/firebase: Java class com/google/firebase/FirebaseApp not found. Please verify the AAR which contains the com/google/firebase/FirebaseApp class is included in your app. 06-13 11:53:28.125 3917-3942/? A/libc: Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 3942 (GLThread 297) 06-13 11:53:28.209 3917-3917/? D/Cocos2dxActivity: onWindowFocusChanged() hasFocus=true 06-13 11:53:28.213 3917-3917/? V/FA: Local AppMeasurementService is starting up 06-13 11:53:28.214 843-843/ W/IInputConnectionWrapper: showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection 06-13 11:53:28.229 121-121/? I/DEBUG: Build fingerprint: 'generic/vbox86p/vbox86p:5.0/LRX21M/genymotion09281726:userdebug/test-keys' Revision: '0' ABI: 'x86' pid: 3917, tid: 3942, name: GLThread 297 >>> com.sample.admob <<< signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL), fault addr -------- 06-13 11:53:28.230 573-601/system_process I/ActivityManager: Displayed com.sample.admob/org.cocos2dx.cpp.AppActivity: +960ms 06-13 11:53:28.234 121-121/? I/DEBUG: Abort message: 'Java class com/google/firebase/FirebaseApp not found. Please verify the AAR which contains the com/google/firebase/FirebaseApp class is included in your app.' eax 00000000 ebx 00000f4d ecx 00000f66 edx 00000006

I use : Android Studio 3.1.2 Cocos2d-x 3.17 (latest version) NDK: android-ndk-r16b

Have you built the cocos2dx-cpp-sample with release mode ?

Could you please give me a sample project with successful release build ?

Thanks you very much @formatCvt !

formatCvt commented 6 years ago

yes, we have about 5 projects with admob integration. Cocos developers made a lot of changes in 3.17 for Android and samples a little bit not valid right now. Try to disable proguard. In your app/build.gradle find release build type and disable minification (set minifyEnabled false). If it helps you can restore minification and add correspond proguard rules

        proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
        proguardFile file(project.ext.firebase_cpp_sdk_dir + "/libs/android/")
        proguardFile file(project.ext.firebase_cpp_sdk_dir + "/libs/android/")
        proguardFile file(project.ext.firebase_cpp_sdk_dir + "/libs/android/")
        [...and so on, for each Firebase C++ library and Ad SDK you are using.]
thienphuoc commented 6 years ago

@formatCvt Thanks you very much! I resolved my problem . If anyone encounter this problem , plz follow below :


systemProp.firebase_cpp_sdk.dir=../firebase_cpp_sdk *\app\build.gradle:

project.ext { // Configure the Firebase C++ SDK location. firebase_cpp_sdk_dir = System.getProperty('firebase_cpp_sdk.dir') if (firebase_cpp_sdk_dir == null || firebase_cpp_sdk_dir.isEmpty()) { firebase_cpp_sdk_dir = System.getenv('FIREBASE_CPP_SDK_DIR') if (firebase_cpp_sdk_dir == null || firebase_cpp_sdk_dir.isEmpty()) { if ((new File('firebase_cpp_sdk')).exists()) { firebase_cpp_sdk_dir = 'firebase_cpp_sdk' } else { throw new StopActionException( 'firebase_cpp_sdk.dir property or the FIREBASE_CPP_SDK_DIR ' + 'environment variable must be set to reference the Firebase C++ ' + 'SDK install directory. This is used to configure static library ' + 'and C/C++ include paths for the SDK.') } } } if (!(new File(firebase_cpp_sdk_dir)).exists()) { throw new StopActionException( sprintf('Firebase C++ SDK directory %s does not exist', firebase_cpp_sdk_dir)) } // Check the NDK location using the same configuration options as the // experimental Gradle plug-in. ndk_dir = if (ndk_dir == null || !ndk_dir.exists()) { ndk_dir = System.getenv('ANDROID_NDK_HOME') if (ndk_dir == null || ndk_dir.isEmpty()) { throw new StopActionException( 'Android NDK directory should be specified using the ndk.dir ' + 'property or ANDROID_NDK_HOME environment variable.') } } } .... buildTypes { release { //debuggable false //jniDebuggable false //renderscriptDebuggable false minifyEnabled false //shrinkResources true proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), '' proguardFile file(project.ext.firebase_cpp_sdk_dir + "/libs/android/") proguardFile file(project.ext.firebase_cpp_sdk_dir + "/libs/android/") if (project.hasProperty("RELEASE_STORE_FILE")) { signingConfig signingConfigs.release } ..............................................

dependencies {

implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
implementation project(':libcocos2dx')
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''

} .......

ref :

Hope this help you ! If you cannot solve your problem, plz contact @formatCvt for help ! He is very good 👍 ^^

formatCvt commented 6 years ago

you're welcome =)

by the way, don't forget enable Test Ads IDs for development builds ( Using production Ads IDs for developments builds can be reason for account suspension (our account is suspended right now and it is very-very hard to unsuspend account)

thienphuoc commented 6 years ago

I enabled Test Ads IDs ! Thanks you for your help ! 👍 👍 Have a nice day bro !