FirebaseExtended / firebase-arduino

Arduino samples for Firebase.
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Question about using library over SIM808 #393

Open HamzaHajeir opened 5 years ago

HamzaHajeir commented 5 years ago

Hello guys

Sorry for this low level question xD

It's about using this library in order to connect to my firebase through GPRS of SIM808.

Is it possible ? Where Arduino Uno communicate to SIM808 via Serial. If so, Is this code enough ? If not, please help me . `

define FIREBASE_URL "Firebase URL"

define FIREBASE_SECRET "Database Secrets"

void setup(){ firebase.begin(FIREBASE_URL,FIREBASE_SECRET); }

//the rest are normal functions setting and retreiving data by firabase.set()'s and firebase.get()'s in loop(). `

I am uncertain-ed about the possibility of this library of sending and receiving data through SIM808.

Searched in examples, Works well but in order to use wifi capability of ESP8266.

*Edit : I guess i need a chaining code to links firebase instance to AT commands that sent and received via Serial. as an interface.

All the best Hamza Hajeir

imranaalam commented 5 years ago

Any progress ?

HamzaHajeir commented 5 years ago

I've set up the communication manually using AT commands setting HTTP requests.

It could be supported in this library , just as Blynk developers have done, Where its required just to pass a stream instance.

angelbarusta commented 4 years ago

It seems to me that the challenge is in the fingerprint, in any way it would be interesting to develop a specific library for the sim808

HamzaHajeir commented 4 years ago

It seems to me this library is dead, It's not up-to-date with latest esp8266 core a long time ago.