FirebaseExtended / firebase-arduino

Arduino samples for Firebase.
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FireBase is not connected in Nodemcu #499

Open PhyoePyae opened 3 years ago

PhyoePyae commented 3 years ago

Hello, I have a problem with Nodemcu and Firebase. When I uploaded the code to the nodemcu, it runs without any errors. When internet connection is lost (wifi is still connected), it is not connected to the firebase. But I truned on my mobile data, it was still “Trying to reconnect” and can’t connect to the firebase again. Here is my code:



define FIREBASE_HOST “” //Without http:// or https:// schemes


define WIFI_SSID “OnePlus 6T”

define WIFI_PASSWORD “aaaaaaaa” // your WiFi PASSWORD //Password of your wifi network

define Relay1 12 //D6

int val1;

define Relay2 14 //D2

int val2;

define Relay3 4 //D1

int val3;

define Relay4 5 //D5

int val4;

void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); // Select the same baud rate if you want to see the datas on Serial Monitor pinMode(Relay1,OUTPUT); pinMode(Relay2,OUTPUT); pinMode(Relay3,OUTPUT); pinMode(Relay4,OUTPUT);

digitalWrite(Relay1,HIGH); digitalWrite(Relay2,HIGH); digitalWrite(Relay3,HIGH); digitalWrite(Relay4,HIGH);

WiFi.begin(WIFI_SSID,WIFI_PASSWORD); Serial.print(“connecting”); while (WiFi.status()!=WL_CONNECTED){ Serial.print("."); delay(500); } Serial.println(); Serial.print(“connected:”); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());

Firebase.begin(FIREBASE_HOST,FIREBASE_AUTH); Firebase.setInt(“S1”,0); //Here the varialbe"S1",“S2”,“S3” and “S4” needs to be the one which is used in our Firebase and MIT App Inventor Firebase.setInt(“S2”,0); Firebase.setInt(“S3”,0); Firebase.setInt(“S4”,0);

} void firebasereconnect() { Serial.println(“Trying to reconnect”); Firebase.begin(FIREBASE_HOST, FIREBASE_AUTH); }

void loop() { if (Firebase.failed()) { Serial.print(“setting number failed:”); Serial.println(Firebase.error()); firebasereconnect(); return; }

val1=Firebase.getString(“S1”).toInt(); //Reading the value of the varialble Status from the firebase

if(val1==1) // If, the Status is 1, turn on the Relay1 { digitalWrite(Relay1,LOW); Serial.println(“light 1 ON”); } else if(val1==0) // If, the Status is 0, turn Off the Relay1 { digitalWrite(Relay1,HIGH); Serial.println(“light 1 OFF”); }

val2=Firebase.getString(“S2”).toInt(); //Reading the value of the varialble Status from the firebase

if(val2==1) // If, the Status is 1, turn on the Relay2 { digitalWrite(Relay2,LOW); Serial.println(“light 2 ON”); } else if(val2==0) // If, the Status is 0, turn Off the Relay2 { digitalWrite(Relay2,HIGH); Serial.println(“light 2 OFF”); }

val3=Firebase.getString(“S3”).toInt(); //Reading the value of the varialble Status from the firebase

if(val3==1) // If, the Status is 1, turn on the Relay3 { digitalWrite(Relay3,LOW); Serial.println(“light 3 ON”); } else if(val3==0) // If, the Status is 0, turn Off the Relay3 { digitalWrite(Relay3,HIGH); Serial.println(“light 3 OFF”); }

val4=Firebase.getString(“S4”).toInt(); //Reading the value of the varialble Status from the firebase

if(val4==1) // If, the Status is 1, turn on the Relay4 { digitalWrite(Relay4,LOW); Serial.println(“light 4 ON”); } else if(val4==0) // If, the Status is 0, turn Off the Relay4 { digitalWrite(Relay4,HIGH); Serial.println(“light 4 OFF”); } } crd code: roboshala

Please help me! What should I do for “Auto Reconnecting to the FireBase”?