FirebaseExtended / firebase-arduino

Arduino samples for Firebase.
Apache License 2.0
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Sending Data from a Structure to Firebase #553

Open Anonymouse-X opened 1 year ago

Anonymouse-X commented 1 year ago

I have my sensor data in Structure sent via 433Mhz freq. and received in Arduino.

The data is structured this way;

` struct Data { byte a; float b; float c; float d; float e; float f; float g; float h; float i; } data;


And I have this print in my Arduino

` Serial.flush(); Serial.print("Node"); Serial.print(data.a, HEX); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(data.b); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(data.c); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(data.d); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(data.e); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(data.f); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(data.g); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(data.h); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(data.i); Serial.println("");


This is a sample output on the serial monitor


NodeDD,5.86,-20.28,-118.82,573.00,-21.43,-12280.19,109.37,1.00 NodeBB,10.43,-6.76,-70.46,1008.00,-7.09,-7145.77,202.15,1.00 NodeDD,5.76,-20.25,-116.62,551.00,-21.37,-11775.27,101.07,1.00 NodeBB,10.43,-6.75,-70.41,1008.00,-7.10,-7159.19,202.15,1.00 NodeDD,5.52,-20.09,-110.91,537.00,-21.27,-11424.43,102.05,1.00 NodeBB,10.41,-6.77,-70.49,1008.00,-7.13,-7186.04,201.66,1.00 NodeDD,5.79,-20.23,-117.15,566.00,-21.40,-12110.91,107.42,1.00 NodeBB,10.41,-6.80,-70.84,1008.00,-7.10,-7152.73,201.66,1.00


And have this code flashed in my esp-01 (this is the code inside the loop).



String epoch = String(timeClient.getEpochTime());
char inChar = (char);

values += inChar;

if(inChar == '\n'){  

  //get comma indexes from values variable
  int node = values.indexOf(',');
  int batt_volt = values.indexOf(',', node + 1);
  int batt_curr = values.indexOf(',', batt_volt + 1);
  int batt_pow = values.indexOf(',', batt_curr + 1);
  int solar_volt = values.indexOf(',', batt_pow + 1);
  int solar_curr = values.indexOf(',', solar_volt + 1);
  int solar_pow = values.indexOf(',', solar_curr + 1);
  int temp = values.indexOf(',', solar_pow + 1);
  int lux = values.indexOf(',', temp + 1);
  int end = values.indexOf(',', lux + 1);

  //get sensors data from values variable by  spliting by commas and put in to variables
  String node_value = values.substring(0, node);  
  String batt_volt_value = values.substring(node + 1, batt_volt);
  String batt_curr_value = values.substring(batt_volt + 1, batt_curr);
  String batt_pow_value = values.substring(batt_curr + 1, batt_pow);
  String solar_volt_value = values.substring(batt_pow + 1, solar_volt);
  String solar_curr_value = values.substring(solar_volt + 1, solar_curr);
  String solar_pow_value = values.substring(solar_curr + 1, solar_pow);
  String temp_value = values.substring(solar_pow + 1, temp);
  String lux_value = values.substring(temp + 1, lux);

  Firebase.setString("monitoring/" + epoch + "/originNode" + node_value + "/batteryVoltage", batt_volt_value);

  Firebase.setString("monitoring/" + epoch + "/originNode" + node_value + "/batteryCurrent", batt_curr_value);

  Firebase.setString("monitoring/" + epoch + "/originNode" + node_value + "/batteryPower", batt_pow_value);

  Firebase.setString("monitoring/" + epoch + "/originNode" + node_value + "/solarpanelVoltage", solar_volt_value);

  Firebase.setString("monitoring/" + epoch + "/originNode" + node_value + "/solarpanelCurrent", solar_curr_value);

  Firebase.setString("monitoring/" + epoch + "/originNode" + node_value + "/solarpanelPower", solar_pow_value);

  Firebase.setString("monitoring/" + epoch + "/originNode" + node_value + "/temperature", temp_value);

  Firebase.setString("monitoring/" + epoch + "/originNode" + node_value + "/lux", lux_value);

values = "";  



if (Firebase.failed()) {



but nothing is showing in my database. What should I do?

Wifi is connected, I also check the Host and Auth.
squashfold commented 1 year ago

Have you tried logging out any errors?

Serial.println(FirebaseDataObject.errorReason()); (replace FirebaseDataObject with whatever you've called it)