FirebaseExtended / firebase-queue

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Correct way to set up several purpose workers #112

Closed xzilja closed 7 years ago

xzilja commented 7 years ago

I'm slowly starting to grasp firebase-queue and truly believe it is a great approach to workers! I'm trying to figure out if my approach below is correct way to handle several diiferent data validation tasks for my game.

I've set up firebase admin and several queues like so:

import admin from 'firebase-admin';
import Queue from 'firebase-queue';

// -- initialize firebase --------------------------------------------------- //
admin.initializeApp({/* credentials */});

// -- create firebase queue ------------------------------------------------- //
const queueOptions = {
  numWorkers: 5,
  sanitize: false

/* character creation */
const createCharacterRef = admin.database().ref('queue/create');
const createCharacter = new Queue(createCharacterRef, queueOptions, (data, progress, resolve, reject) => {
  // Check if data is valid for character
  // push new character to firebase database at /characters

/* item purchase */
const purchaseItemRef = admin.database().ref('queue/purchase');
const purchaseItem = new Queue(purchaseItemRef, queueOptions, (data, progress, resolve, reject) => {
  // Validate purchase request data
  // Check firebase database /characters/uid to have enough gold to purchase item
  // purchase item, place it in character and subtract cost

/* and so on */

Is this how you'd structure several queue tasks that need to perform different operations?

katowulf commented 7 years ago

Seems like a solid approach. Note that you can also have your queue items use _state so that workers are only triggered when a queued item reaches a certain point in the process. In this way, you can make your code into an event stream and keep the workers very flexible and minimal.

It might be overkill, or particularly useful, depending on your game logic. For example, conducting an in-game "give item" could be set up like the following:

Some neat things about this approach: Each worker is probably five or ten lines of code. Changing the logic of how an item is transferred probably just means changing the states and adding or removing workers from the mix. If the process fails at any point due to bugs or a server crashing, you'll be able to track which state it was in and probably resume the process later without any loss of items.

xzilja commented 7 years ago

@katfang this is great explanation! Thank you.