FirebaseExtended / firebase-video-samples

This repository contains sample code for some of the videos on the Firebase YouTube channel.
Apache License 2.0
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Sign In With Apple sheet is not dismissed on login with anonymous auth #53

Open Wallman opened 7 months ago

Wallman commented 7 months ago

Applies to the auth-account-linking/final project.

Expected Behavior

When signing in with Apple, the sheet is not dismissed.

Actual Behavior

Sheet stays open.

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  1. Sign In With Apple


iOS 17.2.1 / iPhone 14

Wallman commented 7 months ago

@peterfriese Would love to hear your input on this 🙏

Coding-Solo commented 6 months ago

@Wallman Add this to your SingInWithAppleButton's onCompletion handler

if case .success(_) = result { dismiss() }

So that it looks something like this: (assuming you are using the auth-account-linking/final project without modification)

SignInWithAppleButton(.signIn) { request in
  } onCompletion: { result in
      if case .success(_) = result { dismiss() }

I'm making a PR to fix this issue :)