FirebaseExtended / polymerfire

Polymer Web Components for Firebase
MIT License
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Polymer 3.0 support #261

Open kroupacz opened 7 years ago

kroupacz commented 7 years ago

Hello, Is there an estimated time when we could expect a new version of polymerfire which will be built according to the new Polymer 3.0 standard and stored in NPM?

tjmonsi commented 7 years ago

I would like to try creating a PR over the week and see if it is going to be merged.

tjmonsi commented 7 years ago

Oh wait... it uses some sort of builder. I think the Polymer team has that builder that auto-updates it to Polymer 3.0 standards...

TimvdLippe commented 7 years ago

This element will be auto-upgraded once the modulizer is more robust.

jukbot commented 6 years ago

Hi, when polymerfire will publish to npm ?

Mash19 commented 6 years ago

I took a look at this trying to modify and ran into issues. The modulizer didn't transform the hybrid polymer elements so the code would need to be updated to the class syntax for modulizer. However after conversion I had an issue importing the firebase code. It's using a global variable (firebase) which works fine for HTML imports but with modules that value wasn't being pulled in with imports. The firebase code isn't exporting anything for ES2015 modules to use. Without a build tool I wasn't sure how to proceed from there especially in regards to using only specific components.

tjmonsi commented 6 years ago

Although I would love to just use the modulizer. I have to review the whole code (and might do a re-write of some parts). Given that the modulizer is still in its alpha-stage, and have some problems... I don't have a better idea on what's the best alternative.

I also want to think if it is possible to rewrite the behaviors to mixins and add a Firestore behavior for backwards compat.

davie-robertson commented 6 years ago

Any update on this folks? Not long until the end of Q1 (aka 3.0 launch).

Does the current build work in a 3.0 project?

zevdg commented 6 years ago

Polymer 3.0 has officially launched now.

Unfortunately, the modulizer still isn't "finished", but it's far enough along that they encourage people to try using it on their codebase. The expectation is that either

or in the worst case

Has anyone attempted the conversion since @Mash19 in November? It seems like a good time to give it another shot, and if it still doesn't work, report issues upstream.

merlinnot commented 6 years ago

We should probably just make a PR. I made a WIP PR (#344) against firestore branch since it is the most important part for me.

Can we split the work somehow?

adueppen commented 6 years ago

@zevdg I just tried running the modulizer on the project and it produced the same thing (as far as I can tell) as what @Mash19 reported. It converts the imports, but not the Polymer(); call.

merlinnot commented 6 years ago

Modulizer won't do everything for us. It just requires some manual work to make it Polymer 3 - compatible.

cwichoski commented 6 years ago


I'm new to polymer, and planning to use in a new project and that will use firebase too, on reasearch I found this issue, any thing to worry? or its ok to use Firebase Javascript SDK until you got back polymerfire working? or for now better use version 2.0 then migrate to 3.0 when all things are solved for last version?

BrandiATMuhkuh commented 6 years ago

@cwichoski If you start a new project with polymer 3, it's probably simpler to use the normale firebase SDK instead of polymerfire. Since the developer experience of Polymer 3 (with LitElement) and React are now practically identical, I would have a look at React + Firebase documentation.

intcreator commented 6 years ago

@Mash19 @merlinnot have you guys had any luck with this?

merlinnot commented 6 years ago

That's the current status: @intcreator

mmikrut commented 5 years ago

Try works for me, including geofire

LeongTitanFour commented 4 years ago Hope it helps you :)