FirebirdSQL / NETProvider

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Plase write manual about connection string for Entity Frameworc Core #1100

Closed Andrey-2021 closed 1 year ago

Andrey-2021 commented 1 year ago

Hi! Plase write manual about connection string for Entity Frameworc Core

You exaple

1) how I must write file name, if it in folder c:\firefox\testdataz.fdb ?

the string: using (var db = new MyContext("DataSource=localhost;Database=C:\firedird\testdataz.fdb;User=SYSDBA;Password=1234"))

don't work

2) where must be demo.fdb file on you example?

3) How config connection string to method Database.EnsureCreated() work?


cincuranet commented 1 year ago

Connection string for EF Core is same as connection string for FirebirdClient.

  1. Path from server's POV. I suggest reading about some Firebird server basics.
  2. In Firebird's default folder. Or you can specify full path.
  3. Any valid connection string works.

BTW "don't work" is not a good description of problem.