FirebirdSQL / NETProvider

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Decimal truncation on Database First Approach #1104

Open victorvilella opened 1 year ago

victorvilella commented 1 year ago

Hi guys.

I had a problem with an project with Database First Approach. My app was truncating every decimal's information.

Consider model as:

class Sell 
    public int SellerId { get; set; }
    public decimal Total { get; set; }

and Context as:

// This context was generated by 'dotnet ef scaffold' command
class MainContext 
    public DbSet<Sell> Sells { get;  set; }
    modelBuilder.Entity<Sell>(entity =>
       entity.Property(e => e.Total)

When I perform an insert/update operation, it just saves the integer part of decimal.

var sell = new Sell {
    SellerId = 1.
    Total = 323.99
await context.SaveChangesAsync(); // It just saved 323

Looking for a solution I realized the problem was column type generated by ef scaffolding proccess. I adjusted my context as follows:

// This context was generated by 'dotnet ef scaffold' command
class MainContext 
    public DbSet<Sell> Sells { get;  set; }
    modelBuilder.Entity<Sell>(entity =>
       entity.Property(e => e.Total)
                .HasColumnType("NUMERIC(10, 3)")
      // I changed DECIMAL to NUMERIC with precision present on table's field.

I would like to ask to fix this issue and I give my problem and how I solved this problem.

Thanks in advance.

fdcastel commented 11 months ago

It seems the problem is in this method.

The current code is ignoring several metadata about the columns, like

@cincuranet with your approval I would like to start working on a PR to fix all this.

And also to add sequences (generators) support to scaffolding.

I already did a similar work on Firebird dialect for SQLAlchemy implementation. For reference, this is the metadata query we use.

cincuranet commented 11 months ago

Go ahead.

fdcastel commented 11 months ago

One last question: Should I branch it from ef7 branch? (say yes, please)

cincuranet commented 11 months ago

You can, but I do not promise that branch to be super stable.

fdcastel commented 11 months ago

Understood. No problems. 👍